Customer Reviews / Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the - TopicsExpress


Customer Reviews / Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines Customer Reviews for your book are listed below. (12 items) 1. cedarblue reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful Excellent book! June 21, 2013 I was given this book to read by a neighbor. I truly enjoyed it. I found it humorous and entertaining. It had some sad moments but it all tied in together. I constantly had a smile on my face. It is a book Id recommend for anyone to read. Im glad I did! Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 2. Philip Beloin Jr. reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful A very good read from Mr. Holt January 19, 2013 Add my review to the other five star ones. Theres not much that I can add to what the others have said. I can only hope my recommendation will help Mr. Holt get more folks interested in his witty and at times poignant account as a cilivian contractor working in Afghanistan. Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 3. Kari Smith reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful Great book, alot of insight to a world most will never experience November 7, 2012 I had the privilege to meet Charles Holt and get to know him, hes just as funny and insightful in person as is his writing. I appreciate his taking the time to write down his stories about a place and situation I never would have experienced without his story telling ability. This book is an easy read that grabs you from the first page and leaves you wishing there were a 100 more pages when you get to the end. A great job for a first book and I look forward to reading many more by this Author. Kari SmithShow Less Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 4. Kyens Mom reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful Fascinating look at life behind the front lines July 4, 2012 This book is written in a down-home style that reads quickly and easily. It gives the reader a perspective on war that we are not used to, that of a civilian contractor working behind the front lines. The author describes his experiences, both the unusual and mundane, and presents them in a humurous, captivating style. This is not a book about politics, tactics, or strategy. It is about personal experiences and relationships. Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 5. natchygess reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful very real, intimate, laughable, emotional December 13, 2011 Working at a military installation with soldiers and DOD civilians, this book is very true to the same stories that is shared with me from those returning. Its true, its raw, its real. My most laughable part was Chapter 47! I think all who read this book will appreciate the value is his journalism entries turned book form. Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 6. Don Connery reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful A Great Journey October 11, 2011 On a scale of 1 to 10, this book is an 11. Mr. Holt sense of humor and dry wit is right on for an enjoyable read. I found myself looking foreward to each new chapter and sharing the adventure with him. My wife hasnt read a book in years and she cant but it down. I highly recommend this book for its entertainment value, and also giving me a better understanding about civilian workers in action and play. Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 7. slh reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful GREAT READ August 22, 2011 This is a really well written book. It is filled with wonderful and funny episodes of the authors travels to Afghanistan. Well worth your time to read and enjoy! Good luck Charles! Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 8. James reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful Outstanding!!! July 30, 2011 This book places the reader in the life of someone working in a foreign country that happens to be a very hostile environment but with the point of view of what it takes to make it day to day. That is a sense of humor and heart for your fellow man, no matter where they are from. This is one of the best books I have personally read in quite some time. I look forward to Charles next literary work. Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 9. Zachery R. McGavitt reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful Very enjoyable to read! July 20, 2011 I very much enjoyed this book! It is an informative yet funny point of view of everyday life in Afghanistan. There were a few times I had to put the book down because I was laughing out loud reading it in a room by my self. And there were also a few touching moments. Overall I highly recommend you check this book out!!! Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 10. Rick e Mills reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 1 of 1 people found the following helpful A Marine July 3, 2011 I thought this book was wonderful ! I laughed as well as there was some very touching parts. The heart and soul that was poured in to this book was refreshing look on the war and what not only our military goes through but their civilian back ups. Respectful and insightful story can not wait for the next! Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 11. Tammy Allison reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful enlightened fun July 3, 2011 With a sense of humor as dry as Will Rogers. Charles finds something funny in almost every situation. Sometimes his writing is as touching as his big Texas heart will allow. There were places I laughed out loud, his lunch with the Turkish soldiers was classic. His ending was as touching as anything I have read in a very long time. A book to buy and love. I hope its not his last as i would love to read more. John AllisonShow Less Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon 12. Retired Librarian reviewed Charles@Afghanistan: Crazy Encounters from the Not-So-Front Lines 2 of 2 people found the following helpful Great Story June 30, 2011 Put this on your list to read. The author is a great storyteller. He presents the civilian side to the war in Afghanistan. His book of short stories tells of his experiences while working there and are filled with humor and with sadness as he relates various events that happened to him. From crazy encounters with the wildlife to roadside tributes to fallen soldiers, his stories are all told with a honest voice. Add a comment View this books reviews on Amazon
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 19:59:06 +0000

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