Cut em loose...... The best indicator of your success as a - TopicsExpress


Cut em loose...... The best indicator of your success as a parent or a pastor is how your children turn out when youre no longer around. Your job as a parent or a pastor is to work yourself out of a job just as quickly as humanly possible. The greatest hindrance to the fulfillment of the Great Commission has been the patronizing position of pastors, missionaries, and other ministers primarily of the American variety...but not exclusively, who are under the delusion that the work will suddenly quit if they should die, retire, or otherwise become incapacitated. Oh really now..... Jesus entrusted the ENTIRE Kingdom of God to twelve sweaty sailors. Most present day pastors have an epileptic fit if they have to leave one Sunday sermon in the hands of someone without a seminary degree. Whats wrong with this picture? In recent months weve seen several very high profile pastors resign for one reason or another, leaving (in their own estimations) a clueless flock of sheep wringing their collective cloven hooves over where their next meal will come from. The resignations, firings, dissolutions, and other ecclesiastical implosions will continue unabated until Gods children exchange their Pampers for pants and individually become the Priests they were intended to be. As we see the institutional church collapsing on all sides, we have a choice. We can continue to attempt to hold it together with duct tape. Or we can see it as the best thing thats happened since the Disciples walked the Earth. The Body of Christ is being freed at last to perform as intended.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 18:46:40 +0000

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