Cut your losses and move on... I removed over 2,500 phony patriots - TopicsExpress


Cut your losses and move on... I removed over 2,500 phony patriots who refuse to stand up or are active in the HATE. They tolerate or look the other way. Those who have stood up like me, have received threats of violence, are called treasonous traitors, and worse... To say that all conservatives or gun owners subscribe to this hysterical rhetoric is of course, completely false. Yet, many of them tolerate it or look the other way, afraid to speak out against the lunatics that have taken over the asylum. They operate under the assumption that by attempting to squelch the voices of bat shit crazy on their side, that action would somehow be aiding in a “victory” for the political opposition. Any criticism, any pleas to tone down the rhetoric and think in a reasonable, rational manner is being painted as treason, as handing ammunition to the other side and that’s a huge problem our conservative friends are dealing with right now Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ron Paul and some other right-wing political pundits and politicians fan the flames of paranoia and mistrust for a living. Seriously, this is how they make their money, by keeping their followers angry, agitated and living in fear that any moment now President Obama is coming for their guns and their way of life. One of the Las Vegas shooters’ Facebook posts looking for a gun shows just how angry and convinced that the government is a tyrannical oppressor some of these more unhinged individuals are. I have blurred out his name as other media outlets have reported it and I do not believe in giving them the attention they may have sought It is so far out of control now that the NRA is afraid to stand up to “Call of Duty” armchair warriors who tote AR-15s into the baby aisle at Target, and their only response to one mass shooting after another is “we need more guns.” The right-wing hate and paranoia machine is cranked so far up now that I am afraid that further such incidents aren’t a question of if, but when. People like Alex Jones and others who control the volume could plead for people to calm down and attempt to back the lunatics away from the edge of the cliff, but they won’t. They won’t because they risk losing their fan base and that’s there’s someone else out there that these lunatics will spend their time, money and votes on instead. Condemning these acts of domestic terrorism and attempting to restore some order is what the right-wing media and politicians should do, but they won’t. To them, money and power are more important than the lives of innocent people Standing up for what is RIGHT is a lot harder than standing up for what is popular. karma
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 05:33:23 +0000

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