Cuts, Scrapes and Other Boo-Boos Can Become Big Problems Really - TopicsExpress


Cuts, Scrapes and Other Boo-Boos Can Become Big Problems Really Quickly We’re very privileged with modern society that if we get a cut or bad scrape we can either treat them ourselves with anti-bacterial medications or seek medical attention if it’s really bad. We won’t have that luxury if the SHTF. Here are a few tips for treating cuts and scrapes in a disaster scenario. Disinfection prevents things from going from bad to worse – Cuts and scrapes don’t just immediately become infected. Some sort of bacteria has to form inside the wound to cause the infection. Keeping a wound and the area around it clean and covered will prevent most topical infections. An equal-parts mixture of water, vinegar and salt makes an extremely effective disinfectant for any kind of topical cut or scrape. Cover any and all cuts and scrapes immediately – In a disaster scenario, personal hygiene is going to suffer. As a modern society, we rely on running water to keep ourselves clean on a daily basis. When you have to ration your water, walk it in from a stream, treat the water and store it, that daily shower is going to get put pretty far down on the priority list. This is what will cause the majority of infections in cuts and scrapes. ALWAYS keep new cuts or scrapes completely covered at least until hard scab has formed on it. Use natural ingredients to cure infections – The following is a list of plants that are natural infection-fighters. Most can be simply applied to the wound directly under your bandage. It would be a very good idea to learn how to identify these plants in case you ever need to use them. Planting these plants in your garden or around your property would also be very advantageous in a disaster scenario or even just as an alternative to modern mediations. Calendula Hypericum Goldenseal Comfrey Plantain (no… not the banana) Ginger
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 13:14:46 +0000

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