“Cyan” Fifteen years ago I had two house rabbits. It was - TopicsExpress


“Cyan” Fifteen years ago I had two house rabbits. It was summertime and I wanted them to get some fresh air so I put them outside in our pen. A little while later when I went outside to check on them I was surprised to see that their pen had been moved about 10 feet. It was at that moment that I saw a brown/black dog. She was about 50 pounds, black/brown/white, and she had one brown eye and one gorgeous “blue” eye. She was a Rottweiler husky mix, and she stood there looking at me wondering what my reaction was going to be to her mischievous behavior. My rabbits Hippity and Freddy we’re fine, so I called to this dog to come to me and she did. I recognized her as my neighbor’s dog Cyan (the color blue). She was always chained out in their front yard with a dog igloo as her home. I could see she was in desperate need of a brushing so at that moment I decided her punishment would be a bath and grooming. I spent the next couple hours doting all over this pretty girl. I even found her a new clean collar. When I had finished with her, Cyan looked like a different dog. I hated the thought of returning her, but knew I had to. The next morning when I went to pull out of my driveway to go to work, I could see Cyan looking at my car. She would run to the end of her leash and bark and carry on almost as if telling me to please stop over and visit. It was at this moment that it hit me. I had given Cyan attention and love, even if it was in the form of a bath, and she wanted more. So every morning on my way into work I would go over to her and feed her some treats. This went on for about a week until one morning the owner came running out of his home yelling and cursing at me. I tried to explain to him that Cyan had broken her chain and come over to my house and that she obviously has taken a liking to me. He didn’t care about any of that and told me that he hasn’t liked me since I moved in across the street from him. I told him that I didn’t even know him. The next thing you know we’re talking and he proceeds to tell me that he will be moving soon, and did I want Cyan? I told him that I already had three dogs but that come Fall I would take her and find her a home. Every time I would drive past her I would shout out, “Hi Cyan”…this became our thing, and the treats continued. Months passed and it was now Thanksgiving. My husband and I we’re driving home and it was snowing real hard. As we drove down our road our headlights beamed on Cyan curled up in a ball inside her dog igloo, NO straw. It was at that moment that we knew we had to do something. We knocked on their door and asked them if we could take Cyan now. They agreed. It was interesting trying to get four different dog personalities to adjust. But, like most things in life you have to take things slow and be patient. A trip to the vet determined that Cyan had heartworm disease. I asked her previous owners to split the $600 cost for the heartworm treatment with us. We saw $100 from them. The rest of the money I raised by selling stuff on eBay. Cyan successfully completed her heartworm treatments and found a forever place in our hearts and our home. Cyan would never be on a chain ever again, but would instead enjoy the comfort of a dog bed or our leather sofa. In the winter she was always warm inside our home, and in the summer she got to enjoy the comfort of air conditioning. Proper vet care and food, and toys and treats would always be provided. She was loved at last as a dog should be, and would never have to worry about anything ever again. Our precious princess Cyan went to Heaven on Oct 2nd. She was surrounded by love in her final moments. I know she knew this. In one respect I know we we’re blessed to have had her be a part of our lives all these years. But in another respect the emptiness that we feel from her not being physically here with us is at times too much to bear. Those who have lost a pet understand this feeling. Only time will help to heal this sadness. Thank you Cyan for bringing so much love into our home and for sharing your love with everyone that came into our home. You are definitely missed, but we will meet again someday. Love you Cyan…
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 20:49:23 +0000

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