D-7. 1 week from leaving town. Was on the way to church on 29 to - TopicsExpress


D-7. 1 week from leaving town. Was on the way to church on 29 to run some errands. Deer appears out of nowhere, jumps over my side of the windshield, crashes through and takes a seat right into shotgun. Deer starts screaming while spewing all his guts out, I start screaming, and for some reason the CD player turns on and starts playing at full volume--YOUR LOVE IS RELENTLESS, im wondering why the cd player is on when i never use it, deer is still screaming AHHHHHH like a human being, I scream more while trying to take off the seatbelt thats stuck to the deers leg before finally getting out of the car. Took a deep breath and screamed out some more expletives, kicked over a traffic cone, noticed the passengers from the car behimd me freaking out so I calmed down to calm them down. Walked back to my car and the musics still blaring YOUR LOVE IS RELENTLESS, deer is no longer screaming and deaaad. Turned off the car, took out the Zion CD that was playing, took out my ipod, nini, a $50 bill that appeared out of nowhere, and my backpack. Car is totalled. I smell deer on me so look down. Deer hair and glass all over me but for some reason I am unscathed. I look back at the car. Windshield is completely smashed. Thoughts run through my head and I imagine an alternate scenario: If the deer didnt jump before I hit it, it would have come through my side of the windshield into my face instead of shotgun and i might not have slammed the brakes and I might be dead. I almost died today. Farthest thing i expected to happen 7 days before I leave for seminary, but eerily, EERILY seems a divine intervention. Im still processing but Pastor Daniel told me as he picked me up that God is telling me to leave nothing behind. There is nothing that I need to take other than the hand of god. EMPTY HANDED BUT NOT FORSAKEN. I am im his hands. Leave behind this season, all the sand castles ive built up for myself here in nova, im leaving the shore and hes taking me to deeper waters. If anything, im encouraged by HIS presence that was so evident today... Im alive, safe and unscathed guys. Maybe slightly traumatized by that screaming deer in my car but im gooood. Thanks for all your concern and prayers. Just picked up my rental car and I am strangely at peace. Lets finish this last week strong. P.S. SHOUTOUT TO EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER RIDDEN IN THE BLACK HONDA ACCORD LONG LIVE THE MEMORIES
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 21:19:02 +0000

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