D~Hey, my friends. It is only Tuesday, but our 2nd Tuesday...BIG - TopicsExpress


D~Hey, my friends. It is only Tuesday, but our 2nd Tuesday...BIG sigh. Here is what we know. Amelia had a cat scan of her sinuses and chest, and an ultrasound of her abdomen (kidneys, liver and bladder). All is clear. She has a small amount of haze in the lung area, which Dr Clark presumes is compression of the lungs from being squished down in bed, which is Amelias choice of position right now. Scans were done to rule out any other potential reason for infection that would be causing these fevers. The cat scan also showed her esophagus being quite swollen...which we anticipated. This is from the mucositis. There is no evidence of the UTI or complications in regards to that, either. So...back to the mucositis. It has begun sluffing and healing. Her counts are coming up, being 180 yesterday and 378 today. As those numbers continue to rise, her body will heal itself. To explain once more, the mucositis is a direct result of the chemotherapy and not anything that Amelia has or hasnt done. It is just terrible and painful. Her hemoglobin was low she received 2 units of blood this morning. More than likely, she will receive platelets in the morning. When a body runs fever like hers has, it doesnt hold onto the platelets well. So they will recharge her, which will help with her overall feeling. She can communicate a bit better today, but has been kind of miserable. With each fever, comes a rash. Complete with itchy eyes, head and nose. She is premedicated with Benadryl for any blood products, and then for this rash as well. Poor girl...lots of sleepy meds. Her overall nighttime sleeping isnt good, because she ends up napping in the late afternoon, or early evening. Oh well, I will take it how it comes. She is beginning to become irritated and ready to be home. Still has some fire in her belly and she fights as hard as she can about the things that she can. If able, she would be home today. Tomorrow the volleyball team will take team pictures without her. EXTREMELY BUMMED OUT. But, we will buy a package anyways. Love her teammates and misses them. Girls, she has so much faith in each of you...she wants to come talk to the team. Be ready for it! Remember, you are only as good as your teammates. Build them up dont tear them down. They should be a reflection of yourself!!!! Dad and the boys are alive at home...lol. They do a good job for themselves..plete with a crockpot dinner tonight! They will be so used to us being gone, they wont want us to come home! We sure miss them, a lot. Cant wait to hug all 3 of them and the critters. I thank each and every one of you for your love, support and prayers, everyday. We sure didnt ask for this to creep into our lives, but with the support we have had, we couldnt have asked for anything better. Love you all!!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:11:36 +0000

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