D. It would be diverse or different from the other kingdoms. The - TopicsExpress


D. It would be diverse or different from the other kingdoms. The papacy clearly fits this description, also. It came on the scene as a religious power and was totally different from the secular nature of the other 10 kingdoms. E. It would make war with and persecute the saints. That the church did persecute is a well-known fact. The papacy clearly admits doing so. Much supportive evidence exists. Even conservative historians claim the church probably destroyed at least 50 million people over matters of religious conviction. We will quote here from two sources: 1. That the Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no Protestant who has a competent knowledge of history. 1 2. In The History of the Inquisition of Spain, D. Ivan Antonio Llorente provides these figures from the Spanish Inquisition alone: 31,912 persons were condemned and perished in the flames. 241,450 persons were condemned to severe penalties. F. It would emerge from the fourth kingdom of iron--the pagan Roman Empire. We are quoting two authorities on this point: 1. The mighty Catholic Church was little more than the Roman Empire baptised ... The very capital of the old Roman Empire became the capital of the Christian empire. The office of Pontifex Maximus was continued in that of the pope. 2 2. Whatever Roman elements the barbarians and Arians left ... [came] under the protection of the Bishop of Rome, who was the chief person there after the emperors disappearance. The Roman Church in this way privily pushed itself into the place of the Roman World-Empire, of which it is the actual continuation. 3 So, once again, the point fits the papacy.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:13:07 +0000

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