D POWER OF A SEED. The creation of the world was spoken into - TopicsExpress


D POWER OF A SEED. The creation of the world was spoken into being through the SEED WORD of God Genesis 1:2:3 says, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. Thats why you must begins to speak your future into being,it does no matter what the future may hold,have for you,dont wait for what is going to bring,your responsibility now to have a glorious and happy ending is to start speaking your future into being cos you can create the kind of future you want for yourself by speaking forth the word of God. The Kind of journey you want to live has been planed,design by God,so until you work on yourself, attitude, speech,and your observation,cos you have to keep seeing from Gods perspective angle,you have to keep saying the same-thing in accordance with His Word,you have to work on yourself esteem,cos theres an attitude that God expect of you,He has impacted His Nature into your spirit,this mean your character should go in accordance with the nature of God in your spirit. Your tomorrow has nothing to bring for you,neither yesterday left a beautiful future for you to live by, youre the one to bring something into your future,by speaking the faith filled word. ,PASTOR CHRIS said,God spoke creation into being by the Word,the word is powerful,but the Word are all powerful. It means the Word of God is effective in it working it has spiritual potency,and if only you know how to use it,it will work for you, Hebrew 4:12 says for the Word of God is quick and powerful,and sharper..... The word are all powerful, the bibles says in Prov 18:21 death and life are in the power of tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. It does no matter what or how you said it,whether you mean it or not,once its proceed forth out of your mouth it germinate. God did not wait for the WORLD to bring what He wanted,rather He released forth what He wanted through the speaking Word,called LOGOS,God de-coded the creation into existence and now we are the result of His spoken word. So your future is laid before you,dont wait for it to bring anything for you,it does not have anything neither does it hold anything for you,youre the one to bring forth something into your future, You cant work from outside in,rather you work from inside out,you bring forth the kind of future you want to see. Cos its what you have in you that you will give,so give to your future what you have in you by speaking for the Rhema of God. Your future has been deliver unto your spirit, and that is the Heaven you carry in you,and it can never be observable to your five sense,until you see from the eye of your spirit which God has showed you from His perspective angle, so bring forth something into your future through the Word and dont wait for the future to bring anything for you cos it has nothing to offer you. He says out of the abundance of your heart shall flow out rivers of waters, in other words out of your belly shall be released the kind of glorious and successful future you want to live. Some says they dont know what the futures has for them, but thats not you,but not you,cos youre difference,theres a divine life in you. So stick to the word today and start speak forth your future into being through declaration of Gods Word,dont wait for the future to bring anything,They are all intelligent,both creeping thing and non creeping things they have ears,they can hear,so start speaking and they will all ear you, by the authority in the Name of Jesus. GLory TO GoD.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 09:32:48 +0000

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