D TIME, TRUE LIFE STORY, VISIONS A REMARKABLE DREAM GIVEN TO SIS. LINDA RIKA BY JESUS BEFORE LINDA HAD AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE LORD JANUARY 12, 2015 LIVING365WITHJESUS LEAVE A COMMENT She was an ordinary Christian who didn’t know much about her Christian faith. She had a friend called Thelma who had a Muslim boy friend called Sidi. He was a handsome young man who was always smartly and neatly dressed and caught the attention of many women. His father was a strong wealthy Muslim man. Sidi became ill for sometime and passed away. Recently Linda had a dream in which she was sitting somewhere, then all of a sudden she saw someone coming towards her from a thick darkness. She recognised the person to be Sidi !. Although she knew he had passed away she was happy to see him again, but Sidi wasn’t. he looked quite serious. When he approached her he said to Linda “You people are very wicked, you are very very wicked especially Thelma, we were friends for many years but you never told me about Jesus” Linda was scared of his reaction and thought if she defends, he might hit her in anger. Sidi continued to talk. “My father killed me, He kiiled me! ” He told us not to believe in Jesus and now I am suffering in hell. He lied to us that Jesus was only prophet but He is the one judging us! He taught us to wash our bodies well and dress smartly but didn’t want us to believe in Jesus!” “You people are so wicked not to have told me that Jesus is THE WAY.”! Sidi shook his fist at Linda as he spoke in anger. Linda replied: “Sidi by that time I didn’t know any better, but you heard my testimony about hell why didn’t you believe Him?” That is where Linda silenced him. Sidi answered: At the time, I was very sick Linda I couldn’t do anything then. Sidi continued: “When I died I found myself in a queue of judgement standing before a great Being full of glory and power. When it was my turn, I went to prostrate before this Mighty Being and said “Allah ! I am so happy to see my God. The man rebuked Him sharply and said: “I am not your Allah! “Don’t call me Allah ! See your Allah” the man stretched His hand. Then appeared a two horned fearful looking demon! And a big one too! ” No! I never worshipped a demon in my life! I you are one I worshipped. “I AM JESUS !” The man said. The I said “if you are Jesus why didn’t you tell me? You know I was born and raised as a Muslim, It wasn’t my fault that I was a Muslim.” Then Jesus replied me: “Have you ever prayed to know the truth? ” “As you saw Muslims and Christians fighting: Christians says JESUS IS THE WAY, Muslims says Jesus was only a prophet, Did you ever asked God in a single prayer to show you the right way?” (Matt 7:7 “Ask and you shall receive”) That was where He silenced me. Jesus continued: “I don’t come to those who don’t want me”. “If you had truly made this prayer I would have come to you”. “I love all of you, and I died for all of you.” “I am God Almighty” I shared this not as attack to Islam or to any religion but to reveal the mind of the Creator to His Creation. And also to caution many from going down to the wrong path. Remember, it is only in this life that we have the grace to make changes and corrections, after death it is all over. It is also a great tool for Evangelism. I don’t take this as just a dream but a way the Lord wants to open the eyes of His people.. This simplifies evangelism. Witness to people and simply tell them to go and ask God in prayer to show them the right way to heaven if they are in doubt. Prayer To Give Your Life To Christ: Father, I come to you today as a sinner that doesn’t have self control or know His(Her) left from His(Her) right. Come and quicken me unto holiness and your perfect will for my life through the power of the Holy Ghost. I know not your ways, make me know them, love them and live them. I accept you today, Jesus Christ be my Lord and personal Saviour in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 07:13:41 +0000

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