D. Yahya al-Aridi: We all Cherca Perhaps it was the first - TopicsExpress


D. Yahya al-Aridi: We all Cherca Perhaps it was the first who identified targets Baath honest as they choose from slogans to meet ambitious masses emerging from the yoke of the failure of the Ottoman occupation and the slag and the enslavement of the French Mandate; they took (unit) and (Freedom) and (socialist) triad holy charity and believe in its percentage was not bad from the masses; but the rotation of the Baath Party of Navarre fans and the wider public of the Holy; were defections and setbacks in all directions; and perhaps is required. Atone man Sami principle such as freedom is not accomplishing little in the targeting of humanitarian rights. Although the unit was the most effective medication and to be the most successful of the Arab nation and the existence among nations; van blown up in various ways and means is also the end of the dream of renaissance possible that there is a place for the nation on the world map. But socialism has linked stupid intentional practices that approach disbelief in a conservative society where it was essentially destroyed in justice to turn to justice in tyranny and oppression. In this world, the Arab-Kurdish-Alsrayani- Alachore- Alomazege- Alcaldana- Shiite-Aldersa- Alardhuzxa- Alcatoleik- Maronite-Alaloa- Alarmena- Sunni, lived dream of unity, even if the unity of Ghanaian women. Although the Baath make it his first goal, but he turned it into a state band even within the same party in the two Arab countries adjacent; to reach things in Syria authority to write a passport habitat {all countries of the world except Iraq} even managed that power to undermine the unity of the house or one Syrian family, what Tawant about it, and unfortunately succeeded so sometimes. Nestle / Arab unity / Gaddafi, utterly Ntakio when you hear the word unity; and, finally convinced us Hafez al-Assad temporarily sustaining the Arab solidarity given the circumstances; and tried everything he can this solidarity be a case of Almabaderah between an Arab country and another; to become the Arab safe side foreign over by his brother. Across the Arab solidarity, HTC Assad dignity of Lebanon, opening the way for the beginning of the official Baathist Alakharsaddam Hussein kills in Kuwait ... All this came to be Daash, declared a state of Iraq and the Levant Hatkh for the first time to humiliate the Sykes-Picot and lines; Taking doors of hell open, led by America, and to find the Bedouins in the forefront of the fighters to state unity, this. All of the above from a unitary attempts not only disgusting, The (unit Daash) has exceeded everyone Baqrvha. It says to us: Do you want / unit /? Here is what God did not come down with the Sultan of unitary ideas and even (monotheistic). You think about the fourteen century back; not enough about; Sadjalkm you return to the pre-human emergence junction. Just as he did when our system was cast capture phone or calling for freedom in a peaceful demonstration: It was always that question Ansfh cynical Alastgrabi Ctaqari Altgerimi: / PDC freedom ?! /; And assails him with a barrage of brutal liquid that what she saw human before. Newly permission was freedom from the jurisdiction of the system criminals; and unity ensured by Daash; The Socialist Vratha Russia by virtue of the socialist legacy; and turned it into a just and equitable in the destruction of Syria. Even on the individual and group level was a / unit / or / one / offense for the system; When he was young Syria chanting: one - one - one; the Syrian people are one, was go mad system, consider this a nightmare; They must Ichitnoa and Itbosroa to enable them. Going back to the unit Daash I am confident that this medication for these unclean Arabic vowels surpassed its design design, and I swear that what is behind only the Zionist protected him all these decades. The cooperation with the creators of this devil, to bring on the Syrian revolution and come in on any possibility of a future unitary thinking Arab or Muslim or otherwise; and helped them so that America is fighting Daash now add to Putins gang. But we promise all these if they were the world power Alaaty magic that turns them because they do not compromise the only human beings but also undermines the will of the Lord, and his ability and majesty and His will. The Syrians will not be in their ability and know it, but the Syrians know that no matter Otte those of force will not rise to the power of the Creator. Unit Syrians and the power of salvation for them. Sacred and freedom survived until now in the face of tyranny and brutality witnessed what human. The Syrians will build civilian state, justice and dignity that are not known to tyrants and dictators do not deserve. Freedom of the Syrian their unity.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:59:55 +0000

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