D) a day in the life First day, in phase 1, you wake up with a - TopicsExpress


D) a day in the life First day, in phase 1, you wake up with a clean slate and the goal is not to introduce any bad carbs into your system for the next 24 hours. For breakfast have two eggs and Canadian bacon with coffee or tea and even some low-fat milk or sugar substitute. Midmorning snack about 1030 am have some low-fat cheese or yogurt. For lunch have a salad with lettuce and tomato, chicken or fish, fresh vinaigrette with olive oil, and have water or a no sugar beverage. Midafternoon snack have some nuts like 15 almonds. For dinner have some grilled salmon with lemon or other phase 1 dinner. For desserts have sugar-free gelatin or some low-fat ricotta with cocoa powder, almonds, and sugar substitute. You need to eat breakfast so your blood sugar does not drop and your hunger doesnt increase causing powerful cravings. Eggs will be used because they have minimal saturated fat vitamin E and protein. There are many recipes you can prepare in advance. There are many snacks that can fill you up and have a good fats and proteins and dont leave you family. The point of this diet is To eat well, have the proper foods, and also be able from time to time and indulge in the improper treats. There is a pattern of healthy carbs proteins and fats. They can be used in normal everyday dishes, and satisfy your hunger, and have low sugar and starches. If youre eating the right food you dont need to obsess over how much of them you eat. You will learn foods you can eat freely, food you need to eat in moderation, and foods you can do without. You will control your blood chemistry and your metabolism through food choices. You will understand foods that contribute to obesity and youll learn to eat out while sticking to your plan. Changing your thinking Need to eat your snacks, have dessert with dinner, you can also exchange phases like eat phase 1 dinner on phase 2 dinner time. Your blood is different from the way it was 24 hours ago. Daniel S. Started on the South Beach diet at 300 pounds after two months he found that the diet was extremely easy but he also struggled with bread and he did not feel denied food during the diet.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:38:52 +0000

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