D called late lastnight (which is unusual for him, as his late - TopicsExpress


D called late lastnight (which is unusual for him, as his late night calls are few and far between) it always scares me at first when I see the number thinking hes sick. Anyway, he was calling to hear my voice, and to say he had had a great Christmas. I apologized for being sick the whole time but he said dont be sorry, I got everything I wanted. He ate good while he was here, and rested well. He did have an off day while here, (sorry, Christel Brooks), where the meds took over and had him off balance and hard to understand, but the next day was better. Kurt and Aiden volunteered to be elves and pass out cookies and gifts to the residents on Christmas Eve. They were very appreciative and always enjoy seeing the kids. Almost every one of the residents told the kids God bless you! Its a sight to behold, and touches your heart in a very special way. One man in particular, who hardly ever comes out of his room. He stood in his doorway, holding his gift, smiling ear to ear, and watched the kids going down the hall. Thank you so very much to everyone who contributed, and to those who offered and I missed , thank you very much as well. Overtime hours and this flu bug threw a monkey wrench into plans already in place. Im still fighting it, and now my daughter has it. That being said, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and wishing you all a Happy, Safe, Healthy, and Blessed New Year.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:45:17 +0000

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