D continuatn..... because as we say in mysticism- “when the - TopicsExpress


D continuatn..... because as we say in mysticism- “when the students are ready, the masters would appear.” Take my words my brother that more than seventy per cent of humanity don’t know how to pray but that is a matter for another day. By the way, are there other names you call God? God is variously known as Jehovah, Yaweh, The Great Grand Architect of the Universe, The Cosmic Host and several other names known alone to heirophants but which names are so ineffable for me to mention here. Do you know that many people don’t take you too seriously when you talk because they think you are not communicating Why will I be perturbed from ensconcing myself in the palatable arms of Morpheus because people have deprived themselves of the cultivation of the regime of the mental magnitude? I read all the farrago of baloneys and vacuous bunkum from pepper soup objurgators. The spirit of animadversion remains their fundamental human right. It also remains an indubitable fact that I get millions and millions of requests daily from people all over the world requesting for my verbal mentorship which positive cosmopolitan reactions have assisted my equipoise and righteous sense of pachydermatous garb. I cannot put my nose to the grindstone daily and expect to be understood by those luxuriating in a modus vivendi, verging on pepper souping, goat heading, suyaing, big stouting and isiewulising.Has a philosophical wag not once pontificated that things of the spirit are spiritually discerned and that it takes the deep to call the deep? We will speak more on this matter of critiques and chichi dodo another day. You were there when a teacher in your state couldn’t pronounce ‘solemnly’, how did you feel? I was indeed sad that a teacher in Edo State could not pronounce a simple word as ‘solemn’. That was certainly one of my low moments in the service of Edo State but the eulogies must go to Comrade Adams Oshiomhole who put in place the infrastructure that made it possible to detect such an egregious ambience and this government would stop at nothing in cleansing the Augean stables. Have you ever considered organising English classes in Edo State? I would have loved to organise English classes, my brother, but you will agree with me that I am sufficiently busy just now. Why do you pull your trousers up beyond the waist? Hahahaha….That trousers style is called Yohji Yamamoto. It was my own audacious statement to remonstrate against the pervasive tendency of Nigerians especially our youths that took to the practice of putting on trousers exposing their lower anatomical contours and I will do it over and over again. When you speak to Caucasians of English origin, how do they react to you? My friends that are whites simply marvel and sometimes get maniacally bewildered when we engage, most times to my consternation. Do you think that you understand English language better than the owners of the language? I have never had the ambition to know the English language more than the owners. However, I must mention that they are shocked most times to find out several words from me they never heard of that existed in the dictionary. Yet, those words are supposed to be theirs. Na so we see am. Have you ever met with the Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka? And what’s your opinion of him? Professor Wole Soyinka is an international personality. It’s either you have met him personally or by reputation. He is a great man and I enjoy reading him anytime, any day. Can you ever be caught speaking what many would consider as normal English? I speak in plain Ceasers language or what you call the normal language and let me tell you that I will hold my own even in pidgin conversation. No just try me at all at all o. What is your take on the ongoing crisis in the PDP? The crisis in PDP? All I can say is that I join some people to dey laugh o and he be like say my laugh go tay well well o. Are you likely to contest for a political office? I am still in politics, serving the good and amiable people of Edo State. Being the Chief of Staff to the comrade governor is in itself an art of daily political engineering. Do you look forward to developing your own dictionary? My own dictionary? I have never really given that a thought, but there is a young man in one of our universities who travelled all the way to meet me in Benin. His doctoral thesis is on “Obahiagbonism as a style of language.” How many dictionaries do you read a day and how often do you read dictionaries? I have read and still do read a vaudeville of dictionaries from Websters to Funk and Wagnalls, from Cambridge to Oxford dictionaries, from Black’s Law Dictionary to Encarta and from Encyclopedia Britannica to Foreignisms, etcetera. I developed my corpus of vocabulary by reading omnivorously. I have also spent nothing less than an hour daily on my dictionary for over twenty years. So, whereas the dictionary for most people is a mere occasional reference point, nterest you to know that there is much to learn from our daily newspapers. You seem to mix English with other languages… On mixing of languages; that comes with reading omnivorously. You cannot but pick these words here and there if you have an audacious reading culture. Is any of your children like you? My children are still growing but I petition the celestial choir and cosmic hosts to give them the gift of kissing the hybla bee. What is your favourite quote? One of my favorite quotes is from the sapiential mind of the late Ikene philosopher, Papa Jeremiah Obafemi Awolowo, when he was quoted as saying that, “the greatest glory is not in never falling but to rise up after a fall.” Are you planning to contest in 2015? I always feel flattered and smile with delight when I hear positive commentary on my tenure at the National Assembly and the wish of Nigerians to see me back at the National Assembly. I am humbled but as a student of mysticism, nothing happens in my life by accident. I am a robot in the hands of God and from that point of view therefore, 2015 would take care of itself. All my efforts just now my brother is geared towards complementing the efforts of the comrade governor in the total transmogrification of Edo State which is enough to chew at the moment. Let me however use this opportunity of your question to appreciate my n
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 08:06:08 +0000

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