D event auditorium was jam-packed, evrywhere filled wit pple. D - TopicsExpress


D event auditorium was jam-packed, evrywhere filled wit pple. D lights were jst amazing, colorful, sparkling&creating sensational effects all within d auditorium. D stage background kept altering&d two mega size TV screens on both sides of d stage clearly&brightly displayed evrytin happening on stage. D entertainers were in their element; popular&loved music artistes dropping their latest hits in style wit swag, which d crowd found irresistible 2d feet; evry1 was up dancing including d Governor who was d chief host&d honorable minister 4 labour&productivity. D drinks kept flowing, d food wudn’t stop, evrybody was lukin attractive, excited&beautiful. Bkos of d presence of d state governor&d interest of his administration in encouraging outstanding entrepreneurs in d state, d event was broadcast live on d state owned TV channel. Dis was d 4th edition; it was d 4th yr; d entrepreneurship awards. An initiative of d state govt in partnership wit d UN, Federal Ministry of Labour&Productivity, many other sponsors. According 2d procedure, nominees evry yr emerged 4rm different sectors&business types based on pre-defined criteria&these winners were rewarded accordingly, dis awards event so far has been credible&respected bkos of d transparency&integrity in selection of winners. Bt for 3yrs consecutively d biggest award; dat is, D Entrepreneur of d Yr, has been going to 1 same man yr afta yr. Dis man owns&manages d biggest&fastest growing security outfit in d country, providing security services 4 mega businesses including oil companies at on shore&off shore locations, airlines, VIPs&top govt officials to mention a few. Benjamin, popularly called d ‘big Ben’ has been winning dis prestigious award for 3yrs consecutively bt strangely, he’s neva shown up to pick up d award himself, his GM, Folake, always picks up d award on his behalf&Benjamin’s response; thanks&appreciation, always came via his pre-recorded voice. Dis time around howeva, d governor insisted Ben must show up in person to receive dis award 4 it connotes disrespect 4 an award recipient not to pick up an award personally presented by d governor. Again dis yr, Big Ben won d ultimate award; D Entrepreneur of d yr wit points much higher than d 1st runner up than eva b4. Evryone knew d Governor had insisted dis time around dat d recipient must be physically present&d whole city waited anxiously, to, 4d 1st time set their eyes on Benjamin, dis shy four time winner of dis award. Afta d pump&noise&applause dat followed d announcing of d winner, d hall suddenly became calm&evryone waited to see Benjamin, dis great entrepreneur. Suddenly, evrywhere became very quiet, d silence in d auditorium was so thick u cud cut it wit a knife, evryone was in shock&disbelief, yes it is Ben, gaily dressed 4d occasion in a white Tuxedo, Folake; his GM pushed him gently 2wards d governor on a wheel chair, Ben was paralyzed 4rm his neck downwards; he cudn’t move any part of his body except his head. Benjamin, d 4-time winner of d prestigious Entrepreneur of d yr award was paralyzed 4rm his neck downwards, d governor knew him well&remembered his story bt neva realized it was d same Benjamin he used 2 know. Benjamin was a very exciting young soldier who in his late 20s was part of d Nigerian troop on d peace keeping mission 2 Liberia, he was unfortunately shot in a cross fire&his spinal cord was damaged while on dis mission, he was immediately flown back 2 Nigeria only 2 discover he wud neva move again, sadly, his wife subsequently took d 2 boys they had 2geda&disappeared. His immediate family; two siblings&a widowed mother afta a while cudn’t cope financially wit his up keep&they cleverly withdrew 4rm him too. Folake his personal nurse who looked afta him while at d hospital eventually resigned 4rm her nursing employment&decided 2 support Benjamin’s dream 2 still become successful&great despite his paralysis&great disability. Like he wud always say 2 Folake, if ur brain still functions well, u can achieve&accomplish anytin in dis life. Benjamin 4rm his experience as a military personnel did d brain work&Folake; his personal nurse&frnd did d leg work; 2day, 2geda, they are winning dis prestigious award 4d 4th time consecutively; d best entrepreneur of d yr! Evrywhere was quiet, evry1 was quiet, d focus was on Ben, d flood lights were on Ben, d cameras were on Ben, d whole city focused on Ben, dis indeed was his moment of glory; he’s proven he cud do it as long as he cud think it. Folake told d story, evry1 listened, tears welled up in her eyes; & many other pple including d 1st lady of d state had tears in their eyes. 2day, Benjamin owns a multi-billion naira outfit bkos he cud think it&cud sell it 2a lady who dared 2 believe him&d dream. Dear frnd, I dont know what ur limitation is 2nite, I dont know what excuses u’re making, I dont know what’s holding u back, I dont know what disabilities u have, bt I’ll want 2 let u know, it’s all in ur mind, if u can think it, u can achieve it.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 19:37:18 +0000

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