DAD I was in the Mall of America this past summer. {In - TopicsExpress


DAD I was in the Mall of America this past summer. {In Minneapolis, thats as good as it gets.} No kids, no wife, wandering. It was a dream sequence of store after store and no purpose. The alarm clock should have blasted me from this horrific slumber. I hear a familiar sound and I stop in my tracks. My head on a swivel. I look, but no familiar face to associate with this familiar sound. I continue wandering with no purpose, and I hear it again. Am I awake or am I dreaming? Pinch, no ,I am awake. There it is again. DAD....... That is my name, isn’t it? Everyone I know calls me DAD. They have called me that for as long as I can remember. DAD... I turn my head. It is a trained response. If that was not my name, why do people keep calling me DAAAD. Why don’t these people call me by my birth name. My mother gave me this name, and she used it while she was alive, so she must have thought it was my name. Why are these people so confused. I never gave them permission to address me in this manner. This is also the case with their mother. They call her MOM. I call her MOM. When I use her birth name she never answers. Her birth name is as odd to her as it seems to me. When did this happen? Have we run out of names and we have to conserve? People everywhere answering to the same name. Is this our children attempting to control us? OK thats a little too conspiracy theory. My son shares my birth name. He seems to like it because he named his son this name. Now I am confused. His son calls him DAD. Thats MY name. Why does he call him DAD and me GRANDPA. Is it just me, or........ I share the same birth name with my new ah, ah, kinda, father in law. The guy whose daughter married my son. What do I call him? I can’t call him by his birth name because we are “conserving”. How do I know this? His children call him DAD. Thats MY NAME! We now share two names. I can’t call him DAD. That would be weird. The birth name we share is so over used, we would all be confused if I used that. Is there government office I can call? I need help Sharing the same name, I noticed other similarities. The people who call him by our shared name also have a shared response with the people who call me by our shared name. For as long as I can remember, these people who don’t know my name, roll their eyes when I speak. It must be another trained response, because all I have to do is open my mouth and every set of eyes in the room starts -a- rolling. I am sure it is a tribal custom used to show respect to the great chief and warrior. My new friend who shares my two names with me that I can’ t use because its awkward, is also sharing this same tribal custom. We must be brothers!! I also wonder if he experiences the same tribal response when he leaves his home? Do these same people, who don’t know his names, look at him in the same manner as the people who don’t my name. They raise their upper lip and squint. This is usually followed by “really, you are going to wear that”.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 19:23:39 +0000

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