DAD… you taught me so much, Compassion, Understanding, Grace, - TopicsExpress


DAD… you taught me so much, Compassion, Understanding, Grace, and the importance of family. You never met a stranger or anyone to whom you couldn’t talk to, about anything. It amazed me how easy it was for you to be around people and just talk to anyone and everyone. I admired that, and I wish I had more of that trait in me. We traveled a lot as kids, my dad taught us that it was important because we needed to keep in touch with family. I will forever remember packing up the whole family in the car or the motor home and traveling across country during our summers & Christmas. We went from Wyoming to visit with Mom’s family to Arkansas to visit with Dad’s family, those are great memories and I thank my parents for providing them. When not traveling we spent a lot of time together as a family at the lake jet skiing and fishing; At our cabin enjoying the cool weather and just talking and being together; Or at home with weekend get-togethers and BBQ’s with Dad’s famous ribs. We stayed up late playing cards and board games, no matter where we were or what we were doing we always had fun. We have always said that we can make our own fun as long as we are together. I remember when I was younger my co-workers and I would share stories of our lives while working. One day my co-worker turned around to face me and said: “You had an amazing childhood, and your parents did it right.” I agreed of course, but as I thought on that later, it dawned on me that I had never truly realized how great my parents were and how important my brothers and I were to them. I was more appreciative of what my parents built for us and I am not sure I ever shared that story with them. I thank them and hope they know what amazing parents they were, and still are. You taught us to know right from wrong, to be independent, and how to work hard to provide a better life for our families. You always set the example and guided our family down the right path. You taught me about Grace and forgiveness and that NOTHING matters more than family. Dad you showed me that all families have ups and downs and disagreements, but that is normal and that it is ok to be angry and express your feelings; but you also taught us that you need to forgive and forget, and remember that people say things they don’t always mean; to say and that we need to remember that we are family and to help each other. Anyone could call my Dad and ask for help and he would do anything within his power to help. With every breath I will love and miss you, but I will take what you taught me and pass it on to my kids and try to fill those BIG BIG shoes you left for me. Now, I want to take a minute to share my thoughts and vision of how I see my Dad’s reception in Heaven. He was met at Heaven’s gate by his MOM- whom he hasn’t seen in over 50 years. They hugged, kissed and danced for little, then the Lord was there and Dad was hugging him. Jesus asked him if he was ready and as they turned I see Grandpa Kimbrell, Grandpa & Grandma Vroman, Uncle Bob, Uncle Duane, Uncle Jay, Cousin James, Uncle Clayton, Cousin Frankie, Cousin Robby and little Cousins Linda and Melony Ann. I see a whole crowd of family I don’t recognize but Dad is happy to see them all. They hug and talk for a long time, then Dad asks them all to join him, and as they turn around I see the shores of the most beautiful lake I have ever seen with fish jumping everywhere. As I look to the horizon I see many many boats, readied for fishing... and now we know why Dad always had to have just one more boat…. I love you Dad, and I will always miss you very much… Save me a seat in your boat.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:23:11 +0000

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