DADDY DIARY Saying Goodbye One of the most gripping parts - TopicsExpress


DADDY DIARY Saying Goodbye One of the most gripping parts of the day is leaving home. This is the time when our 2-year old toddler escorts us in the garage to say goodbye before were off to work. He used to cry a lot but these days theres a smirk (because he doesnt want us to leave) and sometimes a smile (because he is so willing to assist us when we back up). We look at him from the windshield, shout our I love yous, blow our kisses and he yells his ba-bye... back to us. I look at my wife and her heart stops for minutes. Yesterday I did the same routine but this time, he chased me down the gate waving and shouting Dada... Dada! until his yaya arrests him towards safety. Geez, it is SO hard to say goodbye! I wanna relish these moments because sooner or later, he would return the favor to me when I drop him off to school. Even more, I can imagine older parents when they see their kids off in airports when they take up college elsewhere; Or have their sons and daughters depart the nest when they decide to work and settle abroad; Or more tearfully, when they see their baby girl walk down the aisle to marry the man of her dreams. The separation must be gripping. As parents, I think we need to see the value of moments spent with our children. The everyday routine can be so mundane and normal until we reach a certain point of our lives, that we no longer have the same proximity and accessibility with our kids as we had cradled them before in our arms. May our careers never replace the irreplaceable in our lives. And in the future when our life lines exchange, when we as parents have to leave this world ahead to proceed to a kingdom greater than ours, what kind of goodbye will that be? Missing you already, Dad.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 05:49:03 +0000

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