DADDY WHAT IS A DEFENSE? I dont know son the Eagles do not have - TopicsExpress


DADDY WHAT IS A DEFENSE? I dont know son the Eagles do not have one. I have to say I love my team love Chip Kelly but not sure what Bill Davis’s objective was here. Fletcher got burnt to a crisp literally and somehow still was not given any help. You don’t use one shitty cornerback on a top 3 wideout super star you give help over the top and double cover you never let the best player single handily do it at ease at least you try and make it harder. Maybe next time after they miss the playoffs they will figure out how not to play peewee defense. Give Chip credit where credits deserved, having to use two different quarterbacks one that is known for nothing “butt” the butt fumble and still be 9-5 is a testiment to the program he is trying to build. We are years away from any Super Bowl but I do believe we have resurected into a fun football team to watch. The Desean Jackson loss kills us and Kelly knows that not that he will admit it but it’s evidently obvious. People don’t remember the makeshift offensive line and what coaches deal with when injuries occur. I do believe the Eagles have taken a step back this year as they just don’t have that umph about them. With the Jackson loss along with Foles being inconsistent and getting injured,and cooper looking like garbage at least back up your cockiness Ya racist prick 25 mil down the drain. You can not really be upset with where we are. Hilarious people think mccoy is having a down year when’s he is still top 3 in stats people learn the sport ,shuffled line no desean just takes away the threat and allows people to leave more players in the box. We are who we are 9-5 possibly missing the playoffs, I will not say we deserve it but injuries happen its a large part of the business. I think where we stand with no guaranteed good quarterback play is actually tremendous. Who can say a backup qb came in went 3-3 and possibly can make the playoffs still . Foles has 24 starts I am not ready to close the door on that kid it’s a shame so many people jump to conclusions. Has the intangibles to be a good 25 10 guy no superstar at all can definitely be a starter just not sure if Chip really likes him I think he wants his own guy. Nick Foles is not the next Tom Brady there will never be a next one. Chip kelly brings excitement to the NFL it’s easy to say his offense is great but he will never win,because we can say that about 25 other teams in the NFL. you need a great defense for Chips offense to be complimented if you do not care about time of possession. 31 turnovers leads the NFL and we are still top 3 in offense at 9-5 I will be honest and say I thought we were better. When I dug deeper I realized without a great quarterback we can almost always be in the hunt but never over the top we just do not have it. So we stick with what we got which is Foles and Sanchez who thought those two guys would be number one and two on a roster. With the Philadelphia media and being in a big market Chip is almost always the focal point and we tend to forget he doesn’t play the game. He can only do so much with what he is given i mean if you look at those quarterbacks two are from usc ones a huge bust and Foles no one can really figure out its a hard situation. I love waking up and watching this team play though at least competing makes it a ton of fun the feeling is not the same stress when Reid was here. It’s always easy to say you are one or two players away from winning the Super Bowl yeah so is 99 percent of the NFL and also about a decade away from finding that special guy. if you ask me who wins next weekend I say Indy and Eagles take the east but the Cowboys win and we are done so that could be wishful thinking. Roster wise I think Indy is a little better faster but can not run the ball if Murray doesn’t play the Cowboys will struggle to run and murrays appreciation will sky rocket. I think it’s comical two weeks ago we were jocking for the one seed in the NFL now we are fretting about weather we even make the playoffs. In a way it’s good cowboys Eagles saints Atlanta they are not Super Bowl teams I think packers and Seahawks are easily best two. Packers have lost to good defenses this year and if they play the Seahawks I do not think their receivers match up well against that physical defense. Russel Wilson is probably the smartest quarterback in the NFL given his size and ability to feel the pressure he doesn’t get enough credit. #Seahawks #Pats woildnt have said this last month but now it seems like it all is falling into place for the Hawks at the right time. They have the physical run game wear you down can throw it off play action rb or option for qb and play defense overall I think the best team in the NFL because of that defense. Let’s not forget the last great team to win with a crap qb was the buccaneers offense with maybe the best defense ever besides 85 Bears. Offense just does not get it done you need a better defense I think packers are great to watch fun but their defense isn’t anywhere near what it takes to win in a close game. I think the Seahawks defense right now is actually peaking and playing exactly how they were last year come playoffs. Can’t stress it enough that team with Lynch and Wilson keeping plays alive like Houdini and the defense looking like they just dropped an atomic bomb on the NFL I think the road goes through Seattle. No one is passing on that team unless you can run it you have no shot I see Seattle repeating I don’t think any team not even the packers in the nfc can beat them. Now the refs are keeping them flags away Sherman can play bump coverage and no wr is a threat for them by far he matches up takes away the teams best offensive player. I thought it was becoming more of an offensive league but teams like Seattle and the pats prove you can still play the ground and pound control the clock and win off playing better defense. I forgot how good this Seattle team could be they looked like shit all year lost some closes games and actually got better from it. Wilson is better then last year for sure maybe not offensively but they still get it done when they have too which is all you need. Baldwin is definitely underrated but when you can’t name a starting wr or have have trouble naming the defending Super Bowl champs wideouts besides a guy name Percy who after they traded have been unstoppable .it becomes very apparent that the defense is so good it’s scary and people definitely forgot. Defense still and will always win ships Pete Carroll has shown the NFL the blueprint to win in the NFL has not changed and you can’t pick against that team. Defense is perfect offense is good enough to score 24 you can’t beat a team like that on a bad day unless they literally don’t show. I love defense as the commissioner try’s to ruin the game of football I think it needs to be noted that you can try and change things but not everything will change. Great defenses win ships I thought it was changing but name me the best offenses over the last 10 Super Bowls and which ones have won. Manning had a great defense the year he won and played the joke of the nfc that year the Bears. Most super bowls are based on defense and usually are blow outs if one team got there offensively. I think it should be noted that the packers might have blown their chance at going to the Super Bowl with home field because with out it and playing in Seattle they got no shot. Sorry for the rant when you Love football and can’t sleep I can go on and on. Have to be real though there is legitimately only a few teams that are worthy of a ring unless Rodgers throws that offense on his back and Seattles alarm clock don’t go off I think they lose and prettily as well. Lynch hasn’t even gone full capacity and the defense hasn’t turned it up like they have last few weeks. The NFL is such a joke that they took their time played shit football and had no shot at 4-4 left for dead but in 4 weeks they have managed to go from no playoffs to first seed in NFL while the packers somehow were unbeatable. Not sure how the hell this team slowly got under the radar and were forgotten about. it proves that the season is an up hill battle but one that you need to peak around the end of the season and into playoffs. You don’t just normally turn it off and on but a great team with a seemingly weak conference all the sudden laughably has done that. They decided when they would play and when to start dominating football games again. the fact that they have allowed 27 points over the last four games I don’t care if it was against the raiders it is incredible the talent is always there but defense trumps a better offense and Seahawks are about the only team right now that looks perfectly balanced and ready for another parade .
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 11:21:10 +0000

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