DAILY BIBLE DEVOTION:Psalm 73 (Good News Translation) God’s - TopicsExpress


DAILY BIBLE DEVOTION:Psalm 73 (Good News Translation) God’s Word: Helping Us to Pursue Justice and Peace Introduction Psalm 73: In today’s reading the psalm writer expresses concern about the prosperity of the wicked and questions the value of faithful behavior. The psalm concludes with an affirmation of remaining close to God. Todays Scripture: Psalm 73:26 My mind and my body may grow weak, but God is my strength; he is all I ever need. Todays Reading 1 God is indeed good to Israel, to those who have pure hearts. 2 But I had nearly lost confidence; my faith was almost gone 3 because I was jealous of the proud when I saw that things go well for the wicked. 4 They do not suffer pain; they are strong and healthy. 5 They do not suffer as other people do; they do not have the troubles that others have. 6 And so they wear pride like a necklace and violence like a robe; 7 their hearts pour out evil, and their minds are busy with wicked schemes. 8 They laugh at other people and speak of evil things; they are proud and make plans to oppress others. 9 They speak evil of God in heaven and give arrogant orders to everyone on earth, 10 so that even Gods people turn to them and eagerly believe whatever they say. 11 They say, “God will not know; the Most High will not find out.” 12 That is what the wicked are like. They have plenty and are always getting more. 13 Is it for nothing, then, that I have kept myself pure and have not committed sin? 14 O God, you have made me suffer all day long; every morning you have punished me. 15 If I had said such things, I would not be acting as one of your people. 16 I tried to think this problem through, but it was too difficult for me 17 until I went into your Temple. Then I understood what will happen to the wicked. 18 You will put them in slippery places and make them fall to destruction! 19 They are instantly destroyed; they go down to a horrible end. 20 They are like a dream that goes away in the morning; when you rouse yourself, O Lord, they disappear. 21 When my thoughts were bitter and my feelings were hurt, 22 I was as stupid as an animal; I did not understand you. 23 Yet I always stay close to you, and you hold me by the hand. 24 You guide me with your instruction and at the end you will receive me with honor. 25 What else do I have in heaven but you? Since I have you, what else could I want on earth? 26 My mind and my body may grow weak, but God is my strength; he is all I ever need. 27 Those who abandon you will certainly perish; you will destroy those who are unfaithful to you. 28 But as for me, how wonderful to be near God, to find protection with the Sovereign LORD and to proclaim all that he has done! Reflect Of whom was the psalm writer jealous (verse 3)? How are the wicked described (verses 4-12)? Have you ever had similar thoughts? Why does the psalm writer choose to remain loyal to God? What influences your decision to be faithful to God? Pray How wonderful it is to be near you, O God, and to find protection with you and proclaim all that you have done. You are my strength. Guide me with your instruction so that I grow in knowledge of you. Amen. Prayer Concern Those experiencing a spiritual crisis
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:19:30 +0000

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