DAILY BIBLE READING CORNER O Lord Our God! This is the day and - TopicsExpress


DAILY BIBLE READING CORNER O Lord Our God! This is the day and time that The Lord has made to rejoice and be glad over! I’m glad and rejoicing that our Heavenly Father is allowing me to share my Sister Leona’s Message from Him that she posted earlier this morning with you! She’s my big Sister AND I Love her! :D Good Morning, Good Sunday Morning Family, SMILE, As We Arise To Come Together Once Again In Fellowship, To Give Praise And Honor To Our Father Above, And To His Son For Rising Up With Us In This New Day, Thank You Lord. Amen, Amen. (Morning Prayer) O Lord our God, grant us grace to desire thee with our whole heart, that so de- siring, we may seek and find thee in this day; and so finding thee we may love thee; For with each new morning with its light, for rest and shelter of the night pass, for health and food, for love and friends, for everything Thy goodness sends, Father in heaven, we thank Thee, and for Your Son. Amen, Amen. (Todays Scriptures) His Helping Hand (For He Says) THE STEPS OF A GOOD MAN/WOMAN ARE ORDERED BY THE LORD, AND HE DELIGHTS IN HIS WAY. THOUGH THEY FALL, HE SHALL NOT BE UT- TERLY CAST DOWN; FOR THE LORD UPHOLDS HIS CHILDREN WITH HIS HAND. (PSALM 37:23-24) Amen, Amen. (You See Family) Now when we first learned to walk, we often fell down, right, but did we stay down? NO, we reached out to the extended hand of our mother or father, who helped us back on our feet. This happened so often until we finally learned to walk on our own. Amen. Therefore, we can learn to walk with our Heavenly Fathers Helping Hand the very same way! For then when we fall, we can reach out to God through prayer, and accept His Merciful Helping Hand as well! After all it is written; THE LORD LIFTS UP THE HUMBLE; HE CASTS THE WICKED DOWN TO THE GROUND. (PSALM 147:6) Amen, Amen. (It Is Also Written) HE SHALL GIVE HIS ANGELS CHARGE OVER YOU, TO KEEP YOU IN ALL YOUR WAYS. IN THEIR HANDS THEY SHALL BEAR YOU UP, LEST YOU DASH YOUR FOOT AGAINST A STONE. (PSALM 91:11-12) Amen, Amen. (So Family) We are to remember to walk with God everyday and you will find; THE LORD YOUR GOD IN YOUR MIDST, HE WILL REJOICE OVER YOU WITH GLADNESS, HE WILL QUIET YOU WITH HIS LOVE, HE WILL REJOICE OVER YOU WITH SINGING. (ZEP. 3:17) Amen. Knowing this family will help us to remember, that His Loving Hand is always there ready to help you, no matter what you may face! Amen, Amen. (His Message For Today In Closing) LET YOUR INNER LIGHT SHINEE Be friendly and approachable. Christ adored children for their simple minds. He asked us to be like them, childlike and humble. Being friendly and approachable is the best way to learn something new for everyone you meet can teach you something, you may be the only one who can put a smile back in their hearts! Amen. -SMILE- May He enrich, and bless you throughout this new day, and as you share your gift of Him today, share it with your beautiful SMILE!! Much Love Sent Your Way, Blessed Sistah, Leona! I Love You Blessed, Highly Favored and Righteous Saints of God! :D https://youtube/watch?v=gKnuo9xAOAw
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:26:09 +0000

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