DAILY DEVOTIONAL. DATE: WED. 8th OCT, 2014. TOPIC: EVENTS AND HISTORY TEXT: ESTHER. 6:1 On that night could not the king sleep, and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles: and they were read before the king Any book of any short appear to me like a building which its blocks is as good as events and experience of the author. every single indivitual that has lived has at least one book in his or her lifethe story of my life The chronicles is interpreted the book or a record of historical events. its common in the jewish custom to have one for each generation where the events and history of clans and lineage is recorded for reference in the future. As the case of esther the same events of the past has been recorded in the book poiting the deeds of her uncle produce her overnight miracles that led to their liberation and the entire jewish people As we draw the cutton today I hope you know if there are no historians doing the recording of your events both good and evil. angels are doing it to be submitted to table of heaven for treatment and rewards when they are due. watch your life so you dont plant of seed of wickedness for your unborn generation. happy day. prayers Oh lord open the chronicles of my parents and pay me their great deeds of the past. amen.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 03:45:40 +0000

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