DAILY DEVOTIONAL (DIVINE INSIGHT 2014 EDITION) FRIDAY 7TH MARCH 2014 TOPIC: EXPOSE EVILS BIBLE READING: ESTHER 2:15-23 MEMORY VERSE: But Mordecai found out about the plot and told Queen Esther, who in turn reported it to the king, giving credit to Mordecai (ESTHER 2:22) REFLECTION ON THE WORD Believers of God are daily surrounded by people who delight in plotting and practicing evil against fellow humans. There is a common assumption by men of the world that “if you cannot beat them you join them”, and this may also include joining oneself to evil doers simply because the person feels that he/she does not have the capacity to resist the evil doers. This assumption is not always through; you can separate yourself from evil doers and expose them to the glory of God. The power of God in you is greater than that which is in the world (1st John 4:4). The word of God says we should “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but that we rather expose them (Ephesians 5:11). When you see people plotting or doing evil in the office, church or in government circle etc. do you join or exposed them? Mordecai from the portion we read above; saw Bigthana and Jeresh in a plot to kill their king (Esther 2:21) he refused to join them but exposed the evil act, this very action was accredited to him (Esther 2:21) which later became the source of his elevation or promotion in the kingdom of Xerxes (Esther 6:1-11. 8:2-5). Expose every evil around you today; and the LORD shall locate you for greatness.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 23:35:10 +0000

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