DAILY DEVOTIONALS DATE: FRIDAY 31ST JAN, 2014. TOPIC: PRISONER OF WORD. TEXT: proverb 6 : 2.“ Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth”. On this platform I sometimes mentioned that the most effective tool of all ages changing men remains the infallible word of God which is error free. Mind you if you are not on the lord side or you belong to the camp of the enemy the wicked ones the same word will still condemn you don’t forget the word of God is two edged sword. But words of men on most occasions are destructive and anti good by their nature. Good man out his good treasure………, so many victim of such bad words still groans in agony till today. Word that soothes heals, words that destroys are like salts in the face of fresh wound. Communication became big issue in marriage because either or both party does not understand this facts. Boss to surbodinate clergy to church, leaders to followers we need to learn how to use our words so that it will produce more result for us. Some have to commit suicide because words from men/women they trusted and they misuse the trust. We should face reality here, we are all human being and we still think like one until the holy spirit consumes every nature and flesh tendencies in us. Prov. 16 : 24.” Pleasant word are like honey comb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones” from the verse you can understand that words can penetrate to the most hidden part of our system and do good or otherwise. Be careful how you use your words. Proverb 6:2.war troubles affliction and problems gain access into our life through words and some other means we cant handle that here now. Some seal bond by words they entered into bondage, some enter into promises they cant pay till toady they are in debt, some parents sold the future of their children into the wilderness of regrets, shame, and emotional damage by their words. But today there is a good news here”the word of GOD is quick and powerful sharper than any …….,. Hab. 4 :12. Today if you will believe you will be free. PRAYERS Read psalm 107 v 20, then make positive confessions to yourself on areas that are not taken shape. You will come back to testify. Amen
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 04:16:29 +0000

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