DAILY DOSE ON THE FACE OF IT OR DON’T BE SILLY, IT CAN’T BE BUT IT IS My son in law asks me how many times we touch our face each day. I look at him oddly and say, about hundred, maybe two, why do you ask. Because he just read in a book that the average person (that means you so don’t get carried away) touches his or her face a minimum of 3000 times in 24 hours. Since I never take anyone’s word for it and have to try it out for myself because this is utterly ridiculous yesterday I counted. I crossed fifty in the first ten minutes of waking up and generally rubbing the sleep out and doing that little heads scratching thing and all the other early morning actions. Way beyond two hundred by the time I had read the papers, had tea and held my chin in my hand doing the crossword. By the time I had shaved and washed and cleaned up and dressed the 500 mark was a memory. While driving I counted at least fifty meaningless movements to the face and then I began to cheat a little and miss some. Even then, by the time I had the computer running the hands had gone up and down my face every few seconds, deep in thought, considering, contemplating, Rodin’s little thinker me, all that stuff, well into 1500 and running by lunch. Then there is that little spur in case you are lagging behind called the mobile phone and when you are on it you are touching your face far more rapidly and your internal touch-o-meter is whizzing into overdrive. If you count pushing your receding hairline back a hundred times a day, rubbing the tip of your nose or tapping it as you think of a zinger of a response or pretend to be profound at the office meeting with your face reclining in your palm like you were Plato giving it all, your quota will probably be up by early evening. By the time you are getting to bed you’re nearer the 5000 mark. Me, I passed 3000 at half past three and that is with my personal discount. Guess the one plus point is I am not average.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 06:38:43 +0000

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