DAILY DOSE SO MUCH FOR THE LOVELY INDIAN RURAL PEOPLE AND IT MAKES ME SO HURT So much for India’s loving wonderful rural population. They are turds like all their urban brothers and sisters. They took adversity and exploited it. They are cirminals the moment they decided to financially blackmail the stranded and the stunned in the floods for water and food. The myth has been exploded and I am so sad because the moives and the way we were brought up we believed that rural India was the value system which we should adhere to and that our farmers and our village folk were all good people. Hindi movies lie. Rural people are no lonnger smiling, happy folks who dance and sing and maintain tradition. They are cheats, they are cold blooded and they behaved and are still behaving in the most disgusting fashion possible. They are criminals. Did I repeat that? Why not? It sucks. They manipulated tragedy and that should be punished. They are not nice people. They have been corrupted by technology and greed and they showed it by holding hundereds of innocents to ransom. Among them women and children. They charged twenty times the cost for water,let alone food. There was a time they would have given it for free and opened their homes. What has happened to our spine? What ever happened to hundreds of years of tradition and culture and highly flaunted Indian ethinc ethos….all down the drain. And don’t seek shelter in one or two bad apples, the whole bloody crop was bad. It’s not unique. I have seen this at aircrash sites. There was one crash where the bodies and the luggage were cleaned out before the rescue teams arrive…cleaned out like in everything…for the village next to the site it was a bloody lottery. They even pulled jewellery off the dead. The saddest thing is they will get away with it. No one will arrest them,no one will do anything because the rescue op in itself is a shambles. We always had this faith in our rural culture, we were brought up that way, India’s farmers and village folk were intrinsically good people who did the right thing. We fed on this diet and what is indescribable is coming to terms with the fact that are treacherous and mean and pathetic just like their city equivalents. In fact if you take the Mumbai attacks, the urban guys did better. We have to understand what a grave mistake we are making romanticising our rural millions…that is where the revolution will start. You tell me when you read this what happened to the traditonal generosity that marked us, the grandeur and beauty of an Indian rural setting where hospitality was of the essence. Gone.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 05:34:43 +0000

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