DAILY ENCOUNTER WITH GOD September 19, Friday THE WOLF AND - TopicsExpress


DAILY ENCOUNTER WITH GOD September 19, Friday THE WOLF AND THE LAMB LIVE TOGETHER Text for the Day: Isaiah 11:1-12 The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. Isaiah 11:6 (NIV) Isaiah prophesied the nature of the coming Messiah in the historical context of the Assyrian invasion of Israel and Judah. The Assyrians had been like an axe, cutting down Israel and Judah as one cuts down trees. The “stump of Jesse” refers to the remnant that was left of Judah. Something new was going to grow out of that stump – the Messiah. Isaiah describes the Messiah as One who has the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and the fear of the Lord. He would bring justice and righteousness with power and authority. Interestingly, He would also have an impact on the non-human parts of creation. Natural enemies in the animal world would live together in peace (vv. 6-7). Even human beings will live without fear of dangerous animals (v. 8). These will be because “the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Then the whole world will be interested in the “root of Jesse.” The coming Messiah will be the focal point for all peoples, nations, tribes, tongues and races. Isaiah concludes this narrative by reiterating God’s future promise of restoration. Although the people had been exiled due to sin, God would bring them back and restore them. When Jesus comes into an individual’s life too, He restores and brings peace into such a life. His Spirit dwells in us and guides us to have peace on earth and prepares us for the unimaginable joy of eternal life. Wisdom: It is foolish to give up on any soul because God can turn a wolf into a lamb. Food for Thought: Am I preparing for my heavenly home? Follow-up Action: Share the peace of the Messiah with a troubled heart. Prayer Point: God, make me Your agent of restoration and peace to this world. Pray for the following families and members of their churches: Rev. Oyedokun Paul O. Iwo; Rev. Odetayo E.O, Ogbomoso; Rev. Gabriel Oyelayo Adebayo, Lagos; Rev. Ojuwoni, Joshua Adetunji, Lagos; Rev. G. S. Omolade, Saki; Rev. Tunde Taiwo, Ilorin; Rev. Samuel B Alawode, Yola; Rev. Oyekale Oyeshola Samson, Niger State. RENEW NBC @100: Pray for total renewal and great awakening in Oyo West Conference, especially Atanda and Ayo Oluwa Baptist Associations of the NBC. RENEW NIGERIA @100: Pray against high rate of juvenile delinquencies in our nation. RENEW THE WORLD: Pray for the conversion of 15.4 million Muslims and strength for the 397,000 Christians.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:29:46 +0000

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