DAILY FREE GROUP TAROT CARD READING X3 CARDS - LIVE TELEPHONE PSYCHIC PRIVATE LINE RING SIOBHAN ON 1580997207 Page of Swords- Clarify your motives before you get involved. Determine whether you are acting outside your role or not. With the Page of Swords (in some decks, a Princess) in this position, you are playing the part of someone who is quietly gathering intelligence, listening behind the scenes, trying to perceive unfolding trends and probabilities. Some think of the Page card as a spy or night watchman. He can also be seen as a messenger. At his best, he faithfully transmits information that has been entrusted to him. The temptation to editorialize and color the message is great, however, making it important to know your motives. Why are you getting involved so deeply? Whats driving your impulse to be part of the action? Is there an urge to go beyond your mandate rather than function as a clear representative of truth? Be certain before you engage the energy of this card. Ten of Swords- Since you are unable to triumph over forces larger than yourself, practice non-resistance to the energies around you When the Ten of Swords is in this position, the anticipated goal appears to have been aborted. Normalcy may have been disrupted and replaced with a certain amount of chaos. Despite appearances, all is not lost for you or your loved ones. It is, however, a shakeup of the prevailing order. You may be in no position to repair the situation because forces larger than you could be dominant right now. If it seems like you have no control over the outcome, why spend energy trying? Perhaps all you can do is wait things out. Rely on the good sense nature gave you and save any remaining energy for a new start later on. Cut your losses and detach yourself from circumstances. If you do so, you might not have to go down with the ship. Nine of Swords- What brings sorrow may also give rise to feelings of liberation. With the Nine of Swords in this position, you are facing the paradox that what is cause for grief and sorrow can also produce a great release. Sometimes the catastrophe you fear the worst is actually the end of an impossible situation; this may be one of those times. Consider the possibility that binding obligations to an old situation are now ended. You are now free to choose your own direction, to explore and grow beyond circumstances that used to hold you in. The very fact that this is happening indicates your readiness to make this transition. Somewhere beneath the distress and loss is a reserve of strength that has been building for this kind of opportunity. Point yourself toward healing, release from bondage, and freedom from suffering. Focus on the positive. Collect visions and ideas that will help you rise above feelings of hopelessness. LIVE TELEPHONE PSYCHIC PRIVATE LINE RING SIOBHAN ON 1580997207
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 13:11:33 +0000

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