DAILY MANNA WITH JESUS. Behold, I Am of Little Account Job - TopicsExpress


DAILY MANNA WITH JESUS. Behold, I Am of Little Account Job 38:1,12-21; 40:3-5. The Book of Job deals with the theme of Gods Providence; it shows, according to Saint Thomas Aquinas, that human affairs are ruled by divine providence. One of the difficulties that the book has to address is an argument against divine providence: the fact that just men seem to be afflicted with evil without cause. Job had a rough journey, being tossed about emotionally and spiritually, because he couldnt see Gods love and provision in the midst of his trials (see Eph 4:14). When his Captain called Attention! (see Jb 38:16ff), Job realized the awesome power of God (Jb 40:4) and his own rank of low standing (see Prv 1:7). Once Job saw the Lord (Jb 42:5), his healing and restoration followed shortly thereafter (Jb 42:7ff). Jobs three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar all tried to figure out why Job, a just and virtuous man has suffered so many grave afflictions. Eliphaz, for example, holds that Jobs suffering has to be a punishment from God on account of Jobs sins (4:7,17). He asked rhetorically: Has anyone who was innocent perished? Can moral man be righteous before God? Happy, he says, is the man whom God reproves. Therefore Job should not despise the chastening of God the Almighty. God will deliver Job from his troubles. Job answers that he does not understand where he has erred or what wrong he spoke (6:24,30). He maintains his integrity throughout the conversation. After Jobs three friends finish, a fourth person, a young man named Elihu speaks. He was angry at Job because he justified himself rather than God; he was angry at the three friends because they found no answer to the problem and declared that Job was in the wrong (32:2-3). Elihu argues that God speaks to man in order to turn man aside from evil deeds and to cut off pride from man. He does this to keep man from falling into the Pit and losing his life. When chastened by pain, man turns to God in prayer and enters into Gods presence with joy and recounts to men his salvation (33:26). God is just and Job is wrong to proclaim his self-righteousness. After Elihu speaks to Job, God himself addresses Job. He answers out of the whirlwind. First, God proclaims his power, manifested in his creation. This power greatly surpasses Job, who was not there when God laid the foundation of the world, who did not set the limits of the sea, who does not have power over day and night, and who has limited knowledge of the animals of the earth. Job can only respond: Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you?. Job remains in silence and awaits Gods word. This time, God asks Job why he has challenged Him, why he has condemned Him so that he can be justified. Job can only respond to God with humility and repentance. He says: I have uttered what I did not understand; I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes. The Lord accepts Jobs repentance, rebukes Jobs three friends and restores Jobs fortunes twofold. The Book of Job, then, does not come to a definitive answer about the problem of why good men and women suffer. However, it does affirm two basic truths: on the one hand, it affirms Gods power, justice and wisdom. All things are in Gods hands, he acts with justice and guides all things. He created them and governs them. On the other hand, man should not be self-righteous or think he understands all things. Contemplating Gods creation and the fact that man himself is one of Gods creatures should lead to humility of heart and filial trust in God. Probe me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; see if my way is crooked, and lead me in the way of old. Amen. GOOD MORNING FRIENDS AND HAVE A SWEET FRIDAY! It is well with you and your families. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 06:01:45 +0000

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