DAILY SPIRITUAL FOOD; DISCIPLESHIP ( CHRISTIAN SERVICE) - A GLORIOUS FRUIT OF SALVATION ‘’Ye have not chosen me,but I have chosen,and ordained you,that ye should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain.’’ John 15;16 The immediate and noticeable fruit of salvation is a strong desire to do something for the Lord. We have been called and redeemed by God to serve our heavenly father . Discipleship or divine service is one great fruit of salvation God wants us to manifest always. Immediately Apostle Paul was saved and redeemed on his way to destroy the work of God in Damascus,he asked the Lord what he should do for him.He had a burning zeal to work for the Lord. ‘’And he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him,Saul,Saul,why persecutest thou me?And he trembling and astonished said,Lord,what will thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto,Arise and go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do.’’Acts 9;4,6 It is pertinent to stress that this strong zeal for Discipleship (service) on Paul made God to release special unction(anointing) for accomplishment.Though the older disciples were skeptical and afraid of paul’s testimony,they were assured by God of His apostolic seal upon Paul. He moved them to extend their hands of fellowship to him for effective fellowship and Christian ministry. ‘’But the Lord said unto him,Go thy way,for he is a chosen vessel unto me,to bear my name before the gentiles and kings ,and the children of Israel ;And straight way he preached Christ in the synagogues,that he is the son of God.’’ Acts 9;15,20 When God calls and saves a believer,he expects him to go out into the world ,with a burning and strong desire ,to serve him in whatsoever capacity and way it pleases him. Paul wasted no time in answering this divine call to serve and bear precious fruits for the Lord . According to Paul, ‘’to live is Christ and to die is gain’’. Just like our Lord Jesus Christ who said that his food was to do his Father’s work (i.e discipleship or fruit -bearing),Paul wasted no time,neither did he wait on human instructions or teachings before making his calling and election sure. ‘’Paul,an apostle,(not of men,neither by man,but by Jesus Christ and God the father,who raised him from the dead);But when it pleased God,who separated me from my mother’s womb,and called me by his grace;To reveal his son in me,that I might preach him among the heathen;Immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood ;Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me;but I went into Arabia,and returned again unto Damascus ;Now the things which I write unto you,behold,before God,I lie not.’’Galatians 1;1,15,16,17,20 Friends,God wants us ,as saved christian believers, to act like saint Paul and begin our fruit-bearing journey towards eternity in Heaven. He has brought us into his heavenly kingdom and wants to use us to convert sinners from sin to his righteousness and holiness;Remember the heart –beat of God is Evangelism-soul winning.;He doesnt want any one to perish and die in sin ,but rather turn to Him,through true repentance and salvation that leads to eternal life in heaven. Apostle peter sums it up thus; ‘’The Lord is not slack concerning his promise,as some men count slackness;but is long suffering (patient-Emphasis,mine) to us-ward,not willing that any should perish,but that all should come to repentance.’’ 2 Peter 3;9 The fruit of discipleship or service to the Lord is the one way God has empowered the saved christian believers to bring others into the kingdom of heaven.This is the will of God for the salvation of mankind. We, therefore, have a covenant duty to join hands with the Lord to partake of the end-time harvest of winning and properly disciplining the lost souls and backslid-den believers into the glorious kingdom of our heavenly father. Friends every good service to the Lord attracts divine rewards,here on earth ,and the life hereafter. ‘’With good will doing service,as to the Lord,and not to men; knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth ,the same shall he receive of the Lord,where he be bound or free.’’ Ephesians 6;7,8 May God enable us attend to His kingdom stewardship with unrestrained zeal and humility, and may He grant us the divine wisdom and passion for his kingdom work in Jesus precious name//Amen//God bless . Pastor Martins Okonkwo
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 22:53:13 +0000

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