DAILY SPIRITUAL FOOD; ENTERING ETERNAL LIFE. Enter by the narrow gate;for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction,and there are many who go in by it;Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life,and there are few who find it.Luke 7;13-14 Now a certain ruler asked Him,saying,Good Teacher,what shall I do to inherit eternal life?Luke 18;18 COMMENTARY; Luke 13;22-30;Luke 18;18,20-24 Eternal life means the glorious heavenly life the righteous,overcoming, and obedient Christian believers will live with Jesus Christ when he returns in glory to pick his people home . He promised to go to heaven and prepare a beautiful ,blissful and glorious city(Heaven) where we will spend eternity with Him,His father and the heavenly hosts. Friends Jesus Christ ,the son of the living God represents that Eternal life promised to the world.Absolute faith in Jesus ,therefore guarantees this blissful glorious life. And this is eternal life,that they may know you,the only true God,and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.John 17;3 Let not your heart be troubled ;you believe in God,believe also in me.In my fathers house are many mansions;if it were not I would have told you.And if I go and prepare a place for you,I will come again and receive you to myself;that where I am there you may be also.Jesus said to him,I am the way,the truth,and the life.No man comes to the father except through me.John 14;1-4,6 For the wages of sin is death,but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.Romans 6;23 God loves us so much ,and has given us eternal life to those obedient children who would endure to the last. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH;Matthew 24;13;John 3;16-17,36; Proverbs 8;34-35 Friends,we need the grace and support of God to make it to heaven.By physical strength and wisdom shall no man/woman prevail.This made possible with the help, support and agency of the Holy Spirit of the living God.That explains why God told us, through the apostolic ministry of Paul, not to grieve/offend the Holy Spirit,which God has freely given to us to seal our Redemption till the day of Rapture,through the sinful activities. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 4;30 CONDITIONS FOR ENTRANCE INTO HEAVEN. 1.Must be born again(Spiritual Rebirth) ;John 3;1-10,16 2.We must be prepared to hear and master the voice of the perfect master(Jesus Christ) ;John 10;3-5,John 15;1-5,Revelation 3;20 3.we must continue to obey the word of God and in the Lords doctrines(Teachings) ;Matthew 28;19-20,2 John 5-12,John 14;15,21,23,Luke 6;46,Malachi 1;6,Titus 1;9-16,Titus 2;1-10,1 Timothy 4;6-16,2 Timothy 2;1-2,2 Timothy 3;16-17,1 Timothy 6;14,John 8;31-32,36,2 John 4-11 4.we must walk and live i absolute Holiness and purity of life;By this I mean internal and external holiness.We must depart from all forms of evils or unrighteousness.We must live for God and not for ourselves by living the life of the spirit and thus produce fruit of the spirit . 1 Peter 1;14-23,1 Thessalonians 4;1-8,2 Corinthians 7;1,2 Timothy 2;19-26,Isaiah 52;11,Leviticus 22;2,Isaiah 35;8-10,Matthew 23;25-28,I John 5;20-21,Revelation 3;4-5 5. we must Avoid sin; 1 Thessalonians 5;15,22,1 John 2;1-29,Isaiah 52;111 Corinthians 6;19-20,2 Corinthians 6;14-18,John 8;11,2 Timothy 2;19-22 6.Total separation from world of sin and its fashions/systems; 1 John 2;15-17,2 Corinthians 6;14-18, James 4;4,1 Peter 2;9-12,2 Peter 3;10-18 John 17;9,15,16 7.we must beware/resit false teachers (preachers) and their destructive doctrines(Teachings) ;John 10;5,1 John 4;1-6,2 Corinthians 11;4,12-15,Galatians 1;6-9,1 Peter 4;17,1 Peter 5;8-9,2 John 6-11,3 John 9-11,2 Peter 2;1-22 7. we must Continue in His good works; Titus 2;14,Titus 3;8,14,Ephesians 2;10,Philippians 4;8-9 8. We must Continue in Prayers;1 Peter 4;7,Luke 18;1,Colossians 4;2,Luke 11;5-10,1 Thessalonians 5;17,Matthew 26;41,Philippians 4;5 9. we must be watchful (Spiritually alert);1 Thessalonians 5;21,1 John 4;1,Matthew 24;42-51Rev. Chris Damankaelation 16;15,Revelation 3;3,11 10. we must continue in Humility;Philippians 2;5-11,1 Corinthians 11;1,Matthew 18;1-6 11.we must walk in divine love ;John 15;12 Friends,may God grant us all eternal life as we abide faithful till the end of age ,in Jesus name //amen //Be encouraged //God bless PRAYER POINTS// 1.Lord finish your work in my life in Jesus name//Amen. 2.Lord use me as an agent of your end-time revival,in Jesus name//amen. 3.Lord increase your anointing in my life ,in Jesus name//Amen. Lord grant me the grace to finish this heavenly race set before me in Jesus name//AMEN. Pastor Martins Okonkwo
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 13:07:51 +0000

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