DAILY WORDLIST ============ nonchalance - TopicsExpress


DAILY WORDLIST ============ nonchalance ################################## MEANING : 1. the state or quality of being indifferent or showing a lack of concern 2. casualness or indifference USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : Shareholders were stunned at the nonchalance of the CEO regarding the huge drop in the companys profitability during the last quarter. USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : And shes protectively partnered by Sarsgaard in the tricky job of playing sweet yet suspect, a balance he sustains with nonchalance. nadir ###################################### MEANING : 1. the lowest possible point; extreme despair or adversity 2. the point on the celestial sphere directly beneath a given position or observer and diametrically opposite the zenith. USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : Relations between Iran and the USA reached their nadir when 66 US diplomats were taken hostage by Islamic militants in 1979. USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : Relations between the two parties began to quickly deteriorate, reaching their nadir on Saturday when Mayawati formally withdrew support to the UPA government. wizened #################################### MEANING : shrivelled, withered or dried up USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : The wizened look did not belong on a young face. USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : She looked at this wizened old man, dark and rough as a cinnamon bark. ale ####################################### MEANING : 1. a beverage like beer that is made by fermenting malt and hops with yeast 2. an English country festival where ale is served as the primary beverage USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : He preferred ale to beer. USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : According to TNS, a market-research firm, the volume of real-ale sales has grown by 3% over the past year, whereas total beer sales were flat. substantiation ################################ MEANING : 1. the establishment of facts 2. the affirmation of an idea through action USAGE EXAMPLE 1 : He is merely making wild accusations without any substantiation. USAGE EXAMPLE 2 : The regulator found that the Duchy Originals advert breached the code in four areas including substantiation, truthfulness and medicinal claims.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:02:56 +0000

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