DAME PATIENCE JONATHAN IS A FRIEND OF AKWA IBOM STATE- UDOM EMMANUEL Wisdytech | November 21, 2014 | Politics | No Comments The LEADING 2015 PDP Governorship Aspirant in Akwa Ibom State and the Immediate past secretary to the Akwa Ibom state Government , Mr Udom Gabriel Emmanuel has refuted the news item carried by the online and print media that he called the first lady of Nigeria, Dame Patience Jonathan “an enemy of Akwa Ibom State”. Mr Udom has dismissed the story as a tissue of lies, spurious blackmail and baseless political propaganda waged against him by some miscreants and blackmail agents who intend to soil the excellent friendship the first lady enjoys with the government and people of Akwa Ibom State. Speaking to journalists in Uyo, the former Zenith Bank Executive Director said the news had no iota of truth in it. “My attention was drawn to it and I wondered where that story emanated from. It is not true and cannot be true. The leadership and the good people of Akwa Ibom State relate very well with Mr President and the first lady in all ramifications. That story should be disregarded. You journalists also owe a duty to the society to report only what is true in other that your profession is taken seriously”. Also reacting to the story, the Office Administrator, UDOM/ACA Media Committee, Mr Emmanuel Nicholas said the comment or statement credited to Udom Emmanuel only exists in the figment of the imagination of the writers which Udom has no idea about the said report.” Reading through the report can confirm that there is no iota of truth whatsoever in the said story. It is purely the handwork of detractors who created the false reports against Udom to paint him black and make him appear as a bad person before the right thinking members of the public”. Nicholas said it is on record that Mr Udom Emmanuel commended the peaceful conduct of the exercise at his home ward, Awa Iman, in Onna local government which he was very contented and satisfied with the outcome of the ward congress. He said there is no basis that Udom could accuse the wife of the President over delegate list because he knows that such thing is strictly for the party. Everybody in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria and the World knows Udom Emmanuel as a decent and clean personality who does not make careless statements, accuse or insult people in the name of politics. Mr Nicholas reiterated that Mr Udom Emmanuel has strongly condemned the said report created by those opposing his governorship ambition that are desperate of causing disaffection between him and the First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and further overheat the polity by dragging the First Lady into the useless and baseless report against Udom Emmanuel. “This blackmail is taken too far, the whole world knows that Udom Emmanuel is a son to the wife of the President who have enjoyed the motherly love of the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan over the years without any acrimony, and not even politics that can make Udom insult or accused the First Lady. ‘Udom Emmanuel is a nice gentleman who is much known of being reserved in comments and does not talk carelessly. This created story is baseless and does not resemble the person or character of Mr Udom Emmanuel. He has long been working with President Jonathan before he became secretary to state government which the First Lady knew Udom and relate with him long before now”. Mr Nicholas added that it is based on this excellent qualities embedded in Udom Emmanuel that stood him out among all the appointees of Governor Akpabio which the governor is very pleased and confident in his ability to lead the state. “Udom Emmanuel does not have any idea what so every about the said report, he could not have made such irresponsible accusation or comment because everybody knows him to be a very respectful and responsible person, and has not granted anybody interview concerning the ward congress apart from expressing satisfaction on the orderly conduct of the congress. Whoever created the story to pull down this decent man whom God has blessed with the right mentality, leadership vision, and capacity to lead the state should desist from such act and remember that whatever evil anybody does, he or she will certainly pay for it if not now but later”. He said. ‘This is one in the series of many blackmails and falsehood against Mr Udom Emmanuel, this is a challenge to whoever originated the false report to bring down Udom should publish the voice record otherwise should immediately retract the falsehood and apologize unconditionally to Mr Udom Emmanuel and the First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for the embarrassment the report have caused. Mr Emmanuel Nicholas said the peace and unity of the state was paramount and every peace loving citizen should work towards that. “As the 2015 governorship draws near, it is undoubtedly the era of desperation, it is important to avoid in which ever form the politics that will destroy the continuous peace, unity, and the synergy between the state and the Federal government which Akwa Ibom is currently enjoying. ‘Mr Udom Emmanuel is very confidence and satisfied with the leadership of Mr President and that of the National Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party in delivering to all Nigerians the right leadership they deserves” Also in an interview with some of the people of the state,thirteen out of fifteen people pledge their Total support for udom.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 17:32:07 +0000

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