DAN IOAN RO06BTRL01304201T891060XX EURO RO - TopicsExpress


DAN IOAN RO06BTRL01304201T891060XX EURO RO 31BTRL01301201T89106XX LEI SWIHT 22 BTRLRO Frati crestini va rog in numele lui Iisus Hristos, Ajutati-ma si pe mine cu cat va pune bunul DUMNEZEU PE INIMA: Provin dintr-o familie numeroasa, si dezorganizata in care am fost 7 copii eu fiind al treilea, eu am fost crescut de bunica di...n partea tatalui care m-a purtat la scoala am reusit sa absolvesc doar 7 clase din cauza unor probleme de familie si boala: dupa REVOLUTIA din 89 am intrerupt...clasa 8 si am inceput sa lucrez ca vanzator de ziare prin:Bucuresti, Brasov, Craiova, Timisoara, Iasi, Cluj si alte orase din tara pana in 1995 cand mi-am deschis o societate P.F.A de difuzare presa in baza DEC LEG 54/90 si un mini studio &Audio&Video. Vazand familia mea ca am inceput sa ma descurc mult mai bine si nu imi impart venitul cu ei mi-au creat tot felul de probleme ca pana la urma sa reuseasca in 1998/1999 mi-au inchis portile societatii prin anularea autorizatiei “fiind obligat” Am parasit orasul meu natal din cauza lor si am pribegit prin tara incercand sa-mi revin dupa o deceptie suferita din aceasta cauza… din 2000 am lucrat pe la diverse persoane cu ziua incercand sa pun si eu de o parte! ; dar ce? Sa pui de o parte ! Va rog din suflet pe dvs daca doriti sa-mi dati o mana de ajutor pretul unui ½ de cozonac sau unei sticle de fanta ar fi un mare ajutor pentru mine mi-as putea sa imi iau o mica casuta pe undeva la tara SAU O MICA RULOT AR FI O BINE CUVINTARE MARE DUMNEZEU SA VA BINE CUVINTEZE MATEI 7:7 ; PROV 14:20 ; PROV 19:7 ;PS 41:1-5 ; PROV 14 : 21 ; 14 31 Christian brothers, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Help me with whatever Gos`s putting on your HEART: I come from a big family, unorganized, me being the third child, being raised by my fathers`s grandmother wich helped me at school and i have managed to graduate 7 grades because of some family and health problems: after 89`THE REVOUTION I interrupted the 8 grade and started to work as a paper boy in Bucharest, Brasov, Craiova, Timisoara, Iasi, Cluj and other cityes in the country until 1995 when i opened a AFP company of sharing press according to the law DEC LEG 54/90 and a mini Audio&Video studio. My family noticed that i started to make a living dor myself and i was not sharing my incom with them, they have started to create all sorts of problems and finally suceeding in 98`/99` to close my business being obligated to cancel my licence. I left my native city pecause of them and i started wondering in the country after this tragic hapening ... I have started in 2000 to work at certain private employers trying to stack away some money; but what? To stack away some money? – Impossible with my income! Please lend me a hand with the cost of a small cake or a juice! Buying this flyer for me would help me to have a small house somewhere at the countryside. May god reward you 100 times fold! Thank You!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 12:30:28 +0000

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