DAN MULLIN TALKED ABOUT THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES ON KKNX TODAY, Thursday, Jan 30 (6am - 9am PST). Listen on your radio, smart phone (Free Live 365 App) or on-line at radio84 • DR. GOOGLE If you just can’t resist Goggling that symptom or condition – your diagnosis could be cyberchondria! Research shows 80% of Internet users do it – it’s easy, fast and free – but it can be habit forming. Dr. Brian Fallon, author of “Phantom Illness,” says up to 10% of us are at risk of getting sucked into the medical mayhem. Symptoms of cyberchondria include exaggerated fear of illness, anxiety and obsessive searching for answers. Not only is it terrible for the health and well-being of the symptom surfer – it can be REALLY rough on their family and friends. Dr. Fallon says the cyberchondria cycle CAN be broken – in about two weeks for most people – IF they stop the online research completely. For those who can’t – it needs to be brought to their doctor’s attention.Source: Dr. Brian Fallon, author of “Phantom Illness” • HERE, SNIFF THIS We’re wired to react to scent. If you smell cookies baking – you’ll probably feel hungry. But some scents actually CURB the urge to eat, according to Dr. Alan Hirsch of the Smell & Taste Research Foundation. Smelling grapefruit reduces appetite – mint, bananas and green apple have the same effect. And if you’d like to get a really good night’s sleep – have something lavender near your bed. That scent actually induces deeper sleep – and increases morning vigor.If you want to pump up your workout, sniff peppermint and if you are feeling a bit down, the scent of eucalyptus can help bring you back up and stimulate your mind.Source: fitbie/slideshow/print/4626 • RENTAL ART Most of us can’t afford to buy a new great work of art every few months - but now we can rent it. There are several options for art lovers that make it possible to either try before you buy or change the art scenery on a regular basis. Fine art rentals range in price according to artist, value and length of rental. Lesser know artists could be yours for as low as $25 a month and the skys the limit for some really valuable or sought after pieces.Most art rental services include the necessary insurance in their fees and give you the option to buy if you really fall in love. A few popular rental art galleries are Artsicle, HangArt and Patau. Source: businessweek/articles/2014-01-09/art-remba-lets-you-rent-the-masterpiece-of-your-dreams • SLEEP IT OFF There’s a sleep position for just about every ache and pain. Here are some expert recommendations to help you sleep it off:* Back pain: Sleep on your back or side. When on your back, keep a small pillows under your head and under your knees to keep the spine aligned. On your side, put that pillow between your legs.* Neck pain: Sleep on your back or side. You’ll also need one of those rounded neck pillows for support. In both positions, you want the pillow higher under your neck than your head. * Shoulder pain: Sleep on your unaffected side, hugging a pillow - or a friend.* Heartburn: Sleep on your left side. Lying on your left side positions the esophagus in such a way that it makes it harder for the acid to escape the stomach.Source: consumerreports.org/cro/2014/01/best-sleep-positions/index.htm • SUPER SETTINGS If you’re hosting a Super Bowl party this weekend, think beyond the chips and dip. Make sure you and your guests get the best view possible by adjusting the settings on your TV for super viewing. You have a few options here:* Try a factory picture preset. Ironically, you don’t want “sports mode.” the best choices are “natural.” “cinema” and “pro.” Experiment with these to see which ones your TV has and which you prefer.* Make the adjustments yourself. Freeze-frame a nighttime scene on your TV then turn the brightness down as far as you can without losing details. Then find an image with a lot of white and turn the contrast up as far as you can without washing it out.Don’t forget the sound. The Super Bowl, like nearly all HDTV shows, will be broadcast in 5.1 Dolby Digital. This is the same sound format found on Blu-ray Discs and DVDs - so go ahead and experiment with your sound to get it just right for game day.Source: consumerreports.org/cro/news/2014/01/give-your-tv-a-big-game-tuneup-for-super-bowl-xlviii/index.htm • SURVIVAL SKILLS There are some basic life skills all of us should learn, or teach our children. Here are the top 10 from Lifehacker:* Start a fire without matches. You never know when this might come in handy- a fire is one of the most important elements for survival for a human being- providing warmth, light, and energy.* Know how to swim. If you don’t know how to swim yet, you need to seriously consider learning. There are a number of emergency situations where you might need to swim in order to survive or help someone else in the water.* Jump start a car. This isn’t as easy as it seems. If you watched your parents do this in the past but never learned for yourself, now’s your chance. Don’t be unprepared when the need for it arises. * Change a tire. Changing a tire is something you can learn how to do in a matter of minutes that could save you lots of time and headaches on your next road trip.* Perform CPR. 70 percent of Americans feel helpless during a cardiac emergency, and here’s another surprising statistic- the life you save is most likely the life of someone you love, because 4 out of 5 cardiac arrests occur at home.* Do the laundry. This includes separating lights and darks and reading labels.* Make a Bed. Take the time to learn how to do it right. We spend almost one-third of our time in bed.* Know how to sew. Basic sewing skills such as sewing a button back on or mending a sock are a must. Advanced sewing skills improve concentration and self-confidence.* Drive a manual transmission vehicle. Learning to drive a stick shift can help you understand a car engine. A more informed and advanced driver is also a safer driver.* Tie someone else’s tie. Both men and women should master this skill. You may need to help a child or an elderly person with a tie some day.Source: lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/54-things-everyone-needs-know-how.html
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 18:21:47 +0000

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