DANGERS OF EXCESSIVE SUGAR CONSUMPTION 1. One of the dangers of - TopicsExpress


DANGERS OF EXCESSIVE SUGAR CONSUMPTION 1. One of the dangers of sugar is that sugar raises your blood sugar levels (makes sense). But sugar can also cause hypoglycemia. Over the long-term, excess sugar in your diet speeds up the aging process, increases your risk of getting cancer, heart problems, contributes to diabetes, can lead to osteoporosis, hurt your eyesight, and can cause arthritis. 2. For you ladies out there concerned about keeping your skin looking young, sugar plays a role in giving you wrinkles and aging your skin. No Sugar Diet – Benefits of Cutting Sugar from Your Diet: While we’re not suggesting that you never eat sugar (that is extreme), if you adopt a a no sugar diet most days of the week, you will see quick weight loss results. To put a more positive slant on it, if you limit your sugar intake, you lower your risk of degenerative diseases, slow the aging process, save hospital bills and medical bills, and improve the quality of your life. If you avoid the dangers of sugar, and limit your sugar intake, you’ll look better, feel better, and perform better. If you can discipline yourself to cut back on sugar, your chances of you getting serious results from your weight loss eating plan skyrocket. Cut back on sugar and the pounds will melt off your body. Eating a lot of foods that contain too much sugar is habit forming. And like any other bad habit, the habit of eating too much sugar can be broken. Begin by cutting back on sugar a little at a time. Progressively cut back even more until you get to the point where you are consuming very little sugar in your diet. Substitute snacks that contain little or no sugar. Over time, it will get easier and easier to substitute good foods for the bad foods. You will train yourself to avoid the dangers of sugar. We’re not suggesting that you never eat sugar. Life is too short to never have candy bars, chocolate cake, and a Coca-Cola. Rather, work on cutting back on your sugar intake. The more you cut back on sugar, the more results you will see with your diet plan and your fitness goals. Save the sugar foods as a way to reward yourself for your discipline with your diet plan or your exercise plan. Create an incentive system where you reward yourself with your favorite sugar foods when you reach a weight loss or fitness milestone. This can be very effective in helping you reach your fitness goals. Avoid the dangers of sugar, and you’ll go a long way toward getting better results with your weight loss eating.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 21:15:40 +0000

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