DANIEL AND REVELATION BY URIAH SMITH – chapter by chapter – A - TopicsExpress


DANIEL AND REVELATION BY URIAH SMITH – chapter by chapter – A commentary on all twelve chapters of Daniel and All 22 chapters of Revelation – Share these 34 chapter links with all your friends – highlight, copy and paste this into emails and send it out – Most of this commentary is very accurate – focus on Daniel 2, 7-9; Daniel 12:1-3; Revelation 12-18 and Revelation 6 and 7 and Revelation 3:14-21! . SAVE THIS IN FILE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! Learn God’s last Warning message – Prepare for the coming world-wide crisis such as it was in the days of Noah – God is calling you to give the warning. You are the watchman on the wall – Ezekiel 3:17-20. . “BACK TO THE FUTURE!” “And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts” 2 Peter 1:19. Ever want to look into the future? A movie was made about this – In 1985 Michael J Fox starred in the movie - “Back to the Future.” It was a movie people loved watching. People today want to know – “What’s going to happen in the future? When you drive down a dark road on a dark night you have the same question and so you turn on your headlights and your headlights reveal about a half mile into the future where you will soon be so you can avoid an accident. Without your headlights you are driving blindly and will surely have an accident and possible be killed. (Revelation 3:17). . GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO LEARN AND TEACH AND BE “A LIGHT THAT SHINES IN A DARK PLACE” . God has made you “the light of the world” Matthew 5:14. He is calling you to learn and share your knowledge of Bible prophecy with others. He is calling you to be “a light that shines in a dark place, until” He returns. I wrote Prophecy Made Easy and put it into EASY ENGLISH so people could quickly understand God’s last warning message. You can read it for FREE at prophecymadeeasy and share this link and this complete page with others. Noah was God’s “light that shines in a dark place” in his generation and God is calling you to do for others what Noah did for those in his generation. You may also buy a hard copy from the Adventist Book Center on line or Amazon. . GOD IS CALLING TO DO WHAT JESUS DID AND PLANT THE SEED OF GOD’S WORD IN THE HEARTS OF OTHERS . Share Daniel and Revelation with others via Facebook and email – God is calling you to plant the seeds (Luke 8:11) of His Word in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls to prepare them for the harvest at the end of the world (Matthew 13:39). And come and join and encourage others to join and distribute “The Great Controversy” like the leaves of autumn – buy the full (hundreds of pages) Great Controversy in bulk at subsidized prices [less than a dollar when purchased in bulk] to sell or give away to help others be ready for the final RAPID events that will soon hit every man, woman, and child on Planet Earth. . “https://facebook/groups/186755384854355/ . Seek to reach as many as possible in your family, neighborhood, town, city, country and world. I am seeking to reach all those areas. I carry tracts where ever I go and distribute them – read and purchase them at glowonline.org as well as other “GLOW TRACT” locations on the web. Two Jehovah’s Witnesses came to my door today and left with a Great Controversy book – A MIRACLE! – I did not argue with them but looked for common ground. I knew what they teach about the New Earth and that was common ground. I looked at them and said “Are you Jehovah’s Witnesses” They said yes and I told them that I was a witness for Jehovah also. When they asked which “kingdom hall” I was a member of I told them “No – I am not a Jehovah’s Witness – I am a witness for Jehovah.” They turned down the book at first. I told them – “ it is the most translated Bible Prophecy book in the world, outside of the Bible.” In over 80 languages. Later the man asked “Could I see the book? I went and got him a copy and spoke about how the church tortured and killed many – like John Huss a Catholic priest who they burned at the stake for preaching the Word of God and for condemning the immorality of the clergy. That was another thing we have in common – a knowledge of historical apostasy that entered the church (Read about John Huss on page 96 to 111 of The Great Controversy.) . “The seed is the word of God” (Luke 8:11) - Jesus came as a SEED SOWER and expects you to do the same. He said, “Behold, a sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them. Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth. But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked them. But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” Plant this seed and God will multiply it so you will win many who will forever love and thank you for inviting them to sit with Jesus on His throne, plant vineyards, build a house, travel the universe and have eternal everlasting life without pain or sorrow or loneliness or death! Matthew 13:3-9; Revelation 21-22; John 14:1-3; Isaiah 65:21-25. . DANIEL AND REVELATION – URIAH SMITH champs-of-truth/books/dr/ . FOREWORD champs-of-truth/books/dr/foreword.htm . INTRODUCTION champs-of-truth/books/dr/intro_daniel.htm . DANIEL 1. A CAPTIVE IN BABYLONS ROYAL COURT champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_i.htm . *******DANIEL 2******* THE KING DREAMS OF WORLD EMPIRES---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_ii.htm . DANIEL 3. INTEGRITY TESTED BY FIRE champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_iii.htm . DANIEL 4. THE MOST HIGH RULETH champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_iv.htm . DANIEL 5. THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_v.htm . DANIEL 6. DANIEL IN THE LIONS DEN champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_vi.htm . *******DANIEL 7******* THE STRUGGLE FOR WORLD DOMINION champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_vii.htm . *******DANIEL 8******* THE WORLD ARRAIGNED BEFORE THE COURT OF HEAVEN champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_viii.htm . *******DANIEL 9******* A PROPHETIC YARDSTICK SPANS THE CENTURIES champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_ix.htm . DANIEL 10. GOD INTERVENES IN WORLD AFFAIRS champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_x.htm . DANIEL 11. UNROLLING THE SCROLL OF THE FUTURE champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_xi.htm . *******DANIEL 12******* HISTORYS COMING CLIMAX---- champs-of-truth/books/dr/dan_chapter_xii.htm . Part 2 PROPHECIES OF THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST . “And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts” 2 Peter 1:19. . INTRODUCTION champs-of-truth/books/dr/intro_rev.htm . REVELATION I. THE DIVINE METHOD OF PROPHETIC REVELATION champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_i.htm . REVELATION 2. THE LETTERS OF JESUS TO THE CHURCHES champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_ii.htm . *******REVELATION 3******* BEHOLD, I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_iii.htm . REVELATION 4. BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_iv.htm . REVELATION 5. THE CHALLENGE OF THE SEALED BOOK champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_v.htm . *******REVELATION 6******* BREAKING THE SEALS ON THE BOOK OF PROPHECY champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_vi.htm . *******REVELATION 7******* THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_vii.htm . REVELATION 8. THE COLLAPSE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_viii.htm . REVELATION 9. THE MOSLEM WORLD IN PROPHECY champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_ix.htm . REVELATION 10. THE WORLD-WIDE PROCLAMATION OF THE SECOND ADVENT champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_x.htm . REVELATION 11. THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE BIBLE AND ATHEISM champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xi.htm . *******REVELATION 12******* THE BACKGROUND OF RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xii.htm . *******REVELATION 13******* THE AGELONG STRUGGLE FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xiii.htm . *******REVELATION 14******* GODS FINAL WARNING TO A WICKED WORLD champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xiv.htm . *******REVELATION 15******* PREPARING THE VIALS OF DIVINE WRATH champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xv.htm . *******REVELATION 16******* SEVEN PLAGUES DEVASTATE THE EARTH champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xvi.htm . *******REVELATION 17******* A WORLD UNION OF CHURCH AND STATE champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xvii.htm . *******REVELATION 18******* THE DOOM OF MODERN BABYLON champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xviii.htm . REVELATION 19. KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xix.htm . REVELATION 20. THE WORLDS MILLENNIAL NIGHT champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xx.htm . REVELATION 21. A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xxi.htm . REVELATION 22. PEACE AT LAST champs-of-truth/books/dr/rev_chapter_xxii.htm . Ill look for you each as everlasting eternal friends in heaven and on the Earth made new. We will sit and talk with Jesus face to face. He will crown you with the crown of royalty as a child of the King of kings. He will wipe away all tears from your eyes with His nail scarred hands and tell you how dear and precious you are to Him. We will travel the universe together at speeds far greater than the speed of light (186,000 miles a second) because if the angels only traveled at the speed of light it would take them 100,000 years to cross just one galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy of 100 to 200 billion blazing stars (suns with worlds going around them) and there are millions of galaxies. Christ will make you equal with the angels and part of His government with a home in the royal city New Jerusalem - a city 1500 miles long and 1500 miles wide and the length and the width and the height of it are equal (Revelation 21:16). Love will reign eternally - we will all love and serve and help each other forever -- See you then as an everlasting friend!, Your friend, Glen Walker prophecymadeasy
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 01:58:56 +0000

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