DANIEL: AND WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Babylon was determined to - TopicsExpress


DANIEL: AND WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Babylon was determined to retrain the young lads who had come from Jerusalem. The Hebrews would learn a new language. They would learn about the pagan gods. They would partake in a different diet, probably offered to the gods. They would also learn to respond to new names—religious names that were unique to Babylon. “Now from among those of the sons of Judah were: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. To them the chief of the eunuchs gave names: he gave Daniel the name Belteshazzar; to Hananiah, Shadrach; to Mishael, Meshach; and to Azariah, Abed-Nego” (Daniel 1:6-7). Oddly enough, most Bible students know the four Hebrew men by their Babylonian names! What’s up with that? Though the chief in charge of the men gave them these Babylonian names, the writer of Daniel appears to use “linguistic slight of hand” to point out that they didn’t actually accept the religiously overt changes; just as they “purposed in [their] heart” not to “defile” themselves with the religiously oriented food and drink (1:8). The four names listed in the Bible, which are based on the names of Babylonian gods, are spelled slightly different than the same names in secular documents. The changes are hardly coincidental. Daniel and his three friends understood Babylon’s intentions—it was all an attempt to transfer their allegiance from the God of Israel to the gods of Babylon. People enjoy picking out babies names (even if the baby isn’t theirs!). Many couples will turn to books of baby names, to inquire about their meaning. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus makes a very special promise to those who overcome the spiritual battle in this life. He promises to give them a “new name” (Rev. 2:17), written on “a white stone.” That sounds permanent, doesn’t it? This name, between Jesus and the individual believer, is so special that “no one knows [it] except him who receives it.” I assume that the “new name” reflects our own special relationship with Jesus. So here’s my question: What name would you like to hear come from Jesus’ lips? As you may recall, after wrestling with the Lord all night, God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, meaning “who prevails with God.” It was positive name change that reflected a transformation in his life. I’m going to guess that you had no choice about your present name. But assuming that you could choose your eternal name, what would you want it to be? More importantly, is there anything that you need to do at this point of your life to make it a reality?
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:54:33 +0000

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