DAP Lim Guan Eng Tabled RM 262.04 Million Penang State Deficit - TopicsExpress


DAP Lim Guan Eng Tabled RM 262.04 Million Penang State Deficit Budget With An Increase of 50.68% SYA Commentary 1. I have to be fair to DAP Lim Guan Eng on not emphasizing on the state deficit. I do not want to be like to politicize state deficit and surplus issue for their political agenda. In year 2008 , when Lim Guan Eng transfer the state water debt to the Federal account and it helps to reduce Penang State debt by doing so then he boast that how good is he in managing a state. He slam BN for having a deficit state and national budget. Actually in the issue on surplus and deficit is an economical term and theory that only certain segment of Malaysian will understand what it mean. Having said that in economic term deficit do not mean it is a bad thing and it can also be a good thing . That depends on the economic situation and interpretation. But for most ordinary Malaysian that do not understand this concept will be easily manipulated by politicians. Ordinary will look at it in very simple layman where where More is Better and Negative is Bad . No 2 : But even in business world do you know the debts of public listed and multi billionaire company ? Does it reflect the strength and weakness of the country ? World No 1 United States , World No 2 , China and World No 3 , Japan is the biggest economy in the world with the largest debt. Does it mean that in the economic and finance world that a deficit account equals to bankruptcy and incapability ? A deficit account for a Big Company or even a state or country is also an investment for growth , expansion , development and investment . ( only those in economic will know ). No 3 : Let me explain in another simple way. If you take out RM 100 000 from your bank now and invest in insurance , fixed deposit and etc . For now you are lacking by RM 100 000 ( is bad ) but in long run which u will earn back more than RM 100 000 . Then is it still bad or good ? But I am not trying to justify that a deficit budget is good or bad. It can be good and it also can be bad. Is all depends on the economic situation. It was only DAP who came out with an easy conclusion that deficit is surely bad. But if let say in another economic term ( just discuss on economic perspective ) you take out RM 100 000 for social welfare and once the money is distributed you will never get back anything in return ( in terms of finance and economic ) . This answer to is too much Subsidy good or bad ? Let us just think fairly and rationally in term of economic and finance. 4. Lim Guan Eng a so called ACCA graduate end up claiming that he will use Penang State Reserve money to fund the debt. In an ordinary term then it will be like you withdraw the money from your fix deposit. Most importantly even ordinary company auditing. A Company Bank can still have RM 100 000 ( just an example ) but when they submitted their report then their business is at a loss . This explains clearly a financial deficit budget is separated from the company or a country reserved money . 5. Most importantly the state reserve money ( Penang ) is not gain through voting DAP to lead Penang. That savings was already there long ago under BN. If you all only know how to differentiate between a reserved savings and a deficit or surplus budget. If DAP is accusing Malaysia is going to bankrupt just because we are having RM 500 billions debts then if following Lim Guan Eng style Malaysia under BN will never goes bankrupt. Reason ? That is because under BN government for the last 50 years our Foreign Reserved is at US$137.8billion . If we easily follow Lim Guan Eng style then how can we goes bankrupt ? Although that is not the right economic term to evaluate a country bankruptcy status. In economic it is evaluated through the debts from our country GDP ( income ) and Malaysia rated by international financial agency is at a healthy moderate rate at 53% GDP debt. Top economic country like UK , USA , Japan , China and many more their country debt is above 90% GDP and many even hit above 100%. Anything above 80% is actually already at critical stage. 6. In terms of my political views , this is why I am very angry of DAP to keep selling fake manipulative news to deceive their supporters and Malaysian. That is why earlier a lot of my friends was telling me after 505 that now BN have won and in 2 years time our country going to go bankrupt then they are going to blame me for standing up for BN. I just smile and say if our country never goes bankrupt in 2 years time from now like what DAP had told all of you the next GE please vote for BN. Why do I smile ? That is because I already saw the light and the truth. I already knew the economical situation of our country in the real factual , economic and academic view.Let us see in year May 2015 to see who is SPEAKING THE TRUTH ( SYA or DAP ). 7. Why I do not want to explain to them ? Their brains and souls are being invaded by false perception , views and judgement. How on earth I can ever explain to any of them ? They will never listen. I would rather let them slowly see things by themselves.Why ? Earlier when both Selangor and Penang won by DAP ( UBAH ) and in year 2008 they brag about STATE SURPLUS then I just reply it will 100% be deficit soon . They say I am saying this just because I am supporting BN. NO ! I am saying that earlier is because I had saw the light of the truth. I know what is real and the truth in economy and how DAP politicians is very good in misleading the people. And it finally became the truth when in year 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 and 2013 in both Selangor and Penang not only deficit but also increases over the years. Kedah under Pakatan Rakyat is even worst when BN rule for 50 years the state debt is only RM 1 billion. They told people to vote for CHANGE to eradicate corruption and uses the RM 1 billion debt as their weapon during GE 12 in Kedah but end up when they rule less than 5 years Kedah State Debt increases from RM 1 billion to RM 3 billion. Kedah had finally discovered the truth in GE 13 and I hope Penang and Selangor will soon people start to see the real truth in the next general election No 7 : I even knew the truth in financial terms how Penang became surplus in year 2008. But what I knew is different from what you know because whatever you know is already an illusion and perception created by DAP politician and strategist to brainwash all of you. Why DAP tells all of you of their surplus ? Is because of their CAT ( transparency ) and it because they eradicated corruption in Penang ? If that is the reason then starting from year 2009 to 2013 Penang having deficit budget can we easily concluded DAP started to get corrupted ? No. I am not that bad to simply accuse because this is so not economic and very political. Unless I want to deceive you politically like what DAP does to equals deficit with corruption then I can easily accused DAP of corruption now to link them with their latest deficit . No. I am SYA and I am not DAP. That is not my style or my way. Penang became SURPLUS as simple as they transfer 90% of their water state debt to BN Federal Account.But they celebrate this surplus and politicize this whole issue and remain silent when their account finally became deficit ? No 8 : Whenever there are less intelligent Cyber Troopers to DAP supporters trying to hard to defend DAP weakness then I know what they will question me in this issue. Please do not trust BN media . To be fair to them , mainstream media did published Penang 2013 latest deficit and to be fair to BN then did the rest of Web Portal and Online Media like Malaysia Insider , Free Malaysia Today and etc do not published the same thing ? Most importantly it was reported through WHAT DAP LIM GUAN ENG TABLED IN HIS PENANG STATE. Can we continue to accused BN media for BN unfair in all issues ? To be fair for some yes but not all. That is because how fair is DAP and PRO DAP media to BN ? Anyway please do not get out of topic. It is not the media issue that I am trying to highlight. I just prepared in advanced for those who blindly support DAP. Why ? Whenever I exposes the TRUTH of the DARK SIDE of DAP then the first thing people will question my sources. When most of the time the war against sources is just a perception that it cannot be trusted . The perception does not reflect the truth but the facts will always be. No 9 : That is why earlier when I have a public debate with DAP Nga Kor Ming political secretary ( Chong Zhenming ) I can answer to all his economic allegations. ( although he is a ACCA student , a lecturer and double degree holder ). Our debate title BN vs PR : Which is the better choice and economy is 1 of our title. Am I am great debater ? No. I cannot never win it if is not the TRUTH that I am debating and fighting. It is the TRUTH that is the real winner in the end. How can I say BN is better when it is NOT THE TRUTH IN A REAL LIFE PUBLIC AUDIENCE DEBATE ? It is the TRUTH that lead , guide and assisting me through the whole debate to finally PROVE THAT BN is better than PR. Please do not get me wrong. I have never said BN is GREAT or GOOD but I am saying just between BN vs DAP , PAS and PKR then BN is still a better choice. Even if BN is weak then BN is the best among the weakest. That is always my benchmark and I will never deny the weakness , flaws and problems in BN but I am only saying Pakatan Rakyat is worst. That had always been my case. – SYA - MORE PLEASE CLICK - 1sya/?p=7569
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:46:49 +0000

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