DARE TO BE MOVED MY CHURCH FAMILY..... PLEASE READ THIS SHORT BLOG POST!!! Perfectly said about the Christian executions in North Korea: I imagined thirty-three of my Christian friends executed for leading people to Christ, facilitating worship, praying, or offering praise to God. I would be horrified, sad, and angry devastated but I would also know that God has the last word on their lives not Kim Jong-un or the evil power behind him. Still, I would want their deaths to motivate the church of Christ. I would want their deaths to galvanize other believers to put feet to their own faith, To fuel their passion for Christ, To remember to pray for those who suffer, To spread God’s word with more zeal, persistence, and creativity than ever before. While we in the West argue over worship styles, sleep in when there’s a visiting preacher, bemoan having to endure a boring prayer request or off-key soloist, serve up the pastor’s sermon over lunch, or sit home and judge the church unworthy of our attendance altogether there are other brothers and sisters gasping their way to every precious moment when they can gather, in hiding, with other precious believers and hear a whispered message from God, bathe in the reading of His word, and pray with passion and tears for strength to endure and the courage to continue speaking the truth under threat of death.... There is no guilt in being born in the land of the free as opposed to a country under harsh rule. But there is guilt if we use our freedom to indulge our petty preferences, to pad our comfort, to drift through this dark world basking in our own light rather than using it to serve those who waste away in prison cells wondering if they’ve been forgotten or their families left to struggle alone with hunger, fear, and lonliness, or those serving the Lord in dark, dark places who need our prayers for their protection, deliverance, courage, and strength.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 01:23:22 +0000

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