DARKNESS HAS A DOOR… By Gary Price in GHOST-WRITER (Files) - TopicsExpress


DARKNESS HAS A DOOR… By Gary Price in GHOST-WRITER (Files) There was once upon a time in a mysterious realm that a man searched for what seemed an eternity to find answers within. Day in and day out through the blackened shadows didst he seek. In the pitch black of darkness he foraged forward through its murky and somber embrace. A still hast fallen, a quiet like no other, as he felt it tighten its grip on his now trembling soul. This very moment, coldness hath become a resident here as if partner to all that is obscure and veiled in the shadows. He glances through the dark as pitch and beholds a glimmer, a welcoming illumination of beckoning light. “What is this which lies before me?” he asks himself. He reaches out and makes out the form of a key as he takes it into his hand. Hereupon he doest determine that this key may be his answer to the messages and secrets that are hence locked within these darkened corridors. Feeling his way through the eerie and gloom filled passage, he searched for the door which may lead him to the answers he so desperately yearned for. He thought to himself, “Time hath begun to pass heavily with me here in this darkness.” Then it happens, a door before him, laden with iron and wood of years past, of times long ago! His very soul screams to him, as if warning him of an impending danger. He wonders, “Will my quest for these answers finally end as they appear to me here, or doest the presence before me have malevolent and evil intention?” The decision made, he inserts the key and begins to turn it slowly. The door creaks and resounds as if echoing a haunting warning of a wretched evil waiting just behind it to devour all that dare enter. The man stood in dead silence as he sees, standing right there with breath whence from a foul and hideous place did come. Horror stricken, the man stood frozen, a permanent fixture in this cold black place. This, being a terror like none other the man had ever faced, caused him to jump backwards and slam the door he had just opened. His trembling hands now searched for the keyhole so that he may lock this demon in the place from whence it came. Alas, the keyhole was no more, thus the portal could not be closed. What once was a glimmering key now took the form of a hideous spider with legs of barbs which did attempt to attach to the man’s hand. “What madness is this?” cried out the horrified man. With flailing arms didst he try to egress this evil thing as it did crave his flesh and have want and desire to feed from him. At last, the malevolent and putrid form is released and the man begins to flee from this portal which leads into darkness. He thinks to himself. “What evil have I granted entry into thy realm, what blackness didst I awaken?” Then he was alarmed, and the longer he thought about it the more his thoughts confused themselves, and all his knowledge and the sum of his courage were of no help to him at present. It seemed as if he ran for half a league as he neared his exit where he would be free of this cruel entity which had manifested with evil intention. Flying through the door, he became relieved that this wretch of a thing was nothing now but a fading memory, nevermore to trouble him. As he lay down that night for a long needed and welcoming slumber he began to dream of this creature as it ate at his very mind. This lasted for a week plus a day and he could endure it no longer for now he noticed sores as they festered on his hand and his back was tender from needle-like scratches unknown. Cold sweat had now taken hold and unrelenting tremors hath taken him and challenged his sanity. Standing in trepidation and unease, he realizes that the evil and darkness he had hence lay invitation to just days past had chosen to host within him. And at length, that very day, he was lost and at present, he was quite alone and desolate. Sadness and fear now were the occupants of his tormented heart. And heaviest his loss was his very soul now tarnished and spirit broken. Thus, in his pain he knew that he could only lay blame upon himself for it was he that opened a door so that evil could rear its ugly head. So beware ye weary travelers for we never know when we too, could follow this man’s path and allow something demonic into our world because…..Darkness doeth have a door and with it open, there can be no happily ever after! ~Gary~
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 14:11:13 +0000

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