DATA and Inter-Departmental Relationships The availability of - TopicsExpress


DATA and Inter-Departmental Relationships The availability of data, or rather the lack of it, has often been seen as a fundamental constraint on analytical work in Papua New Guinea, and on the potential to develop a habit of evidence-based policy analysis to inform policies that better-support PNG’s development goals. But this may no longer be true with the latest developments by the Department of Implementation and Rural Developments (DIRD) initiative through the DIMS Project, the Department of National Planning & Monitoring (DNPM) initiative through the National Statistical Office (NSO) in the PIMS Project and the Department of Communication & Information (DCI) through the IGIS Project. DIMS What is DIMS??? In our last edition we gave an outline of the background of DIMS and the purpose of the Project, but for those who were not privy to the 1st edition below is a brief for your benefit. DIMS stands for District Information Management System and is a systematic collection of information of all Districts on Infrastructure, Capacity (both human & infrastructure), Development Projects and Capital assets owned by each and every district. Collected information will be analysed, validated, tabulated and compiled for the creation of District Profiles that will inform and enable the sitting Member of Parliament to make informed decisions together with his relevant committee members, Provincial and District Administration personnel when formulating development plans. The yearly upkeep of this information will keep track of development trends and raise appropriate alerts where there are regressions in progress and remedial actions can be taken in a timely manner to address these negative trends before they become major issues. It is imperative that this snapshot of each and every district should be carried out on a yearly basis to ascertain development trends, progressions and/or regressions in rural development initiatives. PIMS What is PIMS??? PIMS stands for Population Information Management System and is a systematic collection of population information throughout the country. The first phase being the implementation of the National e-ID Card System to collect and register all living persons/citizens of the independent, sovereign nation of Papua New Guinea by the Department of National Planning and Monitoring (DNPM) through the National Statistical Office (NSO). IGIS What is IGIS??? IGIS stands for Integrated Government Information Management System and is the communications infrastructure for the transmission of data, voice communication and information between the Provinces, District and LLGs to the National headquarters in Waigani and is envisaged to also be the main depository of Health, Education, Agriculture, Socio- economic and other relevant data for the timely and efficient extraction, analysis, storage and decision making for development initiatives throughout the country of Papua New Guinea. The connection between DIMS, PIMS and IGIS DIMS as being the collected data on Provincial, District and LLG infrastructure and PIMS as being the collected information on population densities throughout the country. The integration of infrastructure clusters and population densities should inform decision makers to formulate development plans targeting densely populated areas of the country for the delivery of basic government services to the majority population and through the IGIS this information will be channelled through and used or stored in a centralized centre for policy formulation, evidence based planning and resource allocation throughout the nation. Through IGIS this collected information should be available to all relevant stakeholders and to a greater degree provide transparency and accountability resulting in good governance in the Service Delivery Programs of PSIP, DSIP and LLGSIP.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 01:12:25 +0000

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