DATELINE ... PrayAtNoonToday ....THIS IS SO GRAPHIC, CAUTION! - TopicsExpress


DATELINE ... PrayAtNoonToday ....THIS IS SO GRAPHIC, CAUTION! DONT WATCH IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH...... But something You NEED to See.. Just How Kind and Compassionate Hamas, ISIS and The Muslum Brotherhood are... And America gets scolded for water boarding... And Just think??? Our Southern Boarder is almost wide open in some areas. And If I were a betting man and Im not. But if I were, I wonder how many of these type people in violent gangs and Terriorist are coming through, all the while we are catching little children coming across .... If we dont shut down the boarder ... And it probably is already to late. We can expect Terriorism on the homeshore like we have never experienced! ... I feel they are setting themselves up now, just waiting for the command.. If you ever stepped into a nest of Fire Ants ... Its like they wait till a sizeable number are on your foot and leg before they bite. When One bites its like he sends a signal, NOW GUYS and they all attack... We have a bunch of Human Evil Terrorist Fire Ants,just waiting for the command!!!... Wake Up America! You should be calling your leaders and putting pressure on them, to close our boarders... The media are showing many of these poor little children, knowing the compassion we Yankees have for our fellowman. Not like those in that Video. But what you dont see is the many who have deseases and not treated or confermed spreading their sickness and desease among our American Children and people.. And many young evil youth gangs... Its Coming America! Its Coming! Once a little boy was walking through the forest in late fall, when the weather was getting cold. As he came upon a snake, freezing and the snake spoke to the little boy and said, Please lil boy, put me in your coat, I am freezing! Little boy said No! you are a Snake, you will bite me! The snake promised and pleaded, No I promise I will not bite you, I am freezing. Please Please... The little boy picked up the snake and put it inside his coat. As the snake began to warm up and move around. SUDDENLY! The Snake Bit him.. He dropped The Snake and said, YOU BIT ME! YOU TOLD ME YOU WOULD NOT BITE ME! The Snakes reply. YOU KNEW I WAS A SNAKE WHEN YOU PICKED ME UP!!!! We are handling Snakes and Dont realize what we are doing till we get Bitten!.. Its Coming America. This Great Peaceful Nation, is going to get Bitten.. Awaken Out Of Your Slumber and Pray! Repent! He Will Forgive Our SINS and Heal Our Land!!!! We have turned away from God and for that we will pay a huge price.... God Is Not Mocked!!! Be not deceived, sayeth The Lord. What ever you Sow, that you shall also reap! COME BACK TO THE GOD OF OUR FATHERS.. PRAY AT NOON DAILY OR OUR CHURCHES AND PASTORS.. PrayAtNoonToday
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 12:35:48 +0000

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