DAUGHTERS I HOPE YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS. Stuff wont make you - TopicsExpress


DAUGHTERS I HOPE YOU ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS. Stuff wont make you happy. Oh, in the moment -- when youre pining for that headband/skateboard/Fijit Friend/designer purse -- you will truly, madly, passionately believe that they will. But things break. We lose them. They run out. They go out of style. They become uncool (the worst!). Happiness comes from appreciating the things you do have, not acquiring more. Some girls are mean girls. Be extremely careful when you choose your friends. At the risk of throwing our entire gender under the bus, girls can be nasty and petty and jealous and cruel. Some of them will lie to you or pretend to be your friend or stab you in the back, and it will hurt like hell every single time. If youre totally unprepared for it, it will crush you even more. Yes, girls can be awful, so when you find a loyal, true friend, hold onto her for dear life, and do your best to be loyal and true right back. Boys will come and go, but a good girlfriend will be your steady through the peaks, the valleys and everything in between. Ive taught you not to assume things about people simply by the way they look or the clothes they wear; unfortunately the rest of the world wont always do the same. Remember that when you want to bare your belly or pierce your tongue or dye your hair blue. (This may not matter much to you now, but wait until youre trying to get a job or meeting your first boyfriends -- or girlfriends -- parents.) Dont compare yourself to others. You may not want to hear this, but there will always be someone prettier, richer and more popular or talented or athletic or artistic than you are. Dont assume her life is better or happier than yours because of it. Life isnt a competition, its a journey. Youre here to work on being the best you can be. Youll hate me some days, but Ill always love you. I hope you know enough not to say it to my face, but I accept the fact that there will be moments you feel like you detest me. All daughters think their mothers just dont/couldnt possibly/will never ever get it at some point. But even if you hate me -- even if you tell me so -- I am still there for you. If you need a ride home from a crazy party, advice on a guy problem or just a good cry, Im your girl..
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:16:02 +0000

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