DAVID CAMERON IS NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN, AND THE LEADERS OF EUROPE ARE THE FORERUNNERS TO WORLD WAR III Each time I listened to David Cameron, during the incubation period of his tenure as Britain’s latest Prime Minister, I was always left wondering, “Where have I heard that voice before, in a British Prime Minister?” It wasn’t the accent that was the point of my focus (as was the case when Cameron heard the voice of the Muslim murderer who stood over a kneeling, bound, James Foley, “bravely” holding a knife over the defenseless journalist, which Cameron was too blind to see that he had been given one other clue relative to the identity of this Muslim executioner, namely this insane killer’s schizophrenia, and paranoia, given that Foley, at that time, posed no threat to exposing this killer’s actual cowardice, hidden in a mob, as well as under the garb that was hiding this Muslim terrorist’s face), but the tenor of Cameron’s words, which ruled out Margaret Thatcher’s soprano as the source. I knew, absolutely, that it wasn’t the comparative voice of Winston Spencer Churchill I was listening to, either, in David Cameron’s case, since I had heard Churchill’s voice on tape, and in film clips. Winston Spencer Churchill’s voice was ruled out, from the very start. The tone was a lot like that of Tony Blair, Cameron’s British Prime Minister predecessor, but that wasn’t the voice either, although the two men’s dancing, on the international stage, was the same, just as it was in the British ballroom, known as the British Parliament, where twirling reality is a constant, but no twerking, thus far, has been noted as taking place, which would only add to the confusion of a once proud nation, that once thought of itself as a world leader, and was such, an incredible accomplishment for such a small nation, when you think about it. [A country’s “size” is, clearly, also about a country’s will.] After giving the puzzling issue, concerning Cameron’s voice, more thought, I finally figured out the source, after realizing that I had been looking in the wrong places, radio and television, rather than in history books. It finally dawned on me that the library, full of books, a world of its own, was where I had encountered Cameron’s voice. Sure enough, when I looked there, that was where I found both David Cameron’s sound and, indeed, his tone, that of Neville Chamberlain. Yep, “I found it.” Cameron’s squeaky voice, I discovered, is a quisling replica of the soundtrack that was recorded in the throat of the British Prime Minister who went to Munich, to tap dance in front of Adolph Hitler, in 1938. It was a continuation of Chamberlain’s Vaudeville act which further insured that Hitler would respond, though not in kind, by dancing his tanks across the entire landscape of Europe. Appeasement didn’t work, and has never worked. Lying doesn’t work either, which is what Cameron is doing when he mouths his pretended surprise that Muslims, born in Britain, are cutting people’s heads off in Syria.. Even when I could not quite wrap my head around where I had, in a real sense, heard Cameron’s voice (Norway’s Quisling, was my first guess), I never once thought, a single time, that Cameron’s voice was, in any way, similar to that of Churchill, since I was very much aware of the fact that Winston Spencer Churchill had used a poem by Claude McKay, a black man, during WWII, to psychologically shore up Britain’s resistance to Hitler’s aggression, terrorism by the composite version of Genghis Khan, Ivan “The Terrible,” and “Attila “The Hun,” in the 1830’s and 1940’s, but whose personages have always been on the world’s stage, under different names, which serve as a disguise. Churchill should have left a copy of Claude McKay’s poem for David Cameron to read, after which he could offer it, if he were so inclined, for more general reading to the other European leaders, hiding in Europe, under their desks, including France’s Francois Hollande, and Germany’s present-day, hidden in plain sight of her desk “leader,” Chancellor Angela Merkel. [Where have I heard their voices? Let’s start with Norways own Quisling.] The present Prime Minister of England could certainly use McKay’s poem to psychologically shore up resistance to the present, and real, threat to England, today, and, indeed, to the rest of Europe, as well, that threat being [and let me be absolutely clear here] the version of the Islamic religion being practiced in the Middle East. There is no “moderate” version of Islam, in that part of the world, and anyone who brings it from that part of the world, to the West, is already radicalized, period. [Before going any further, let me humbly say this: “SHUT UP!”] I have seen Islam practiced peacefully, in my time. But I haven’t seen it in the “Middle East.” And did I say, yet, “SHUT UP”? If not, let me put it this way, “SHUT HELL UP, ALREADY!” Having gotten rid of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the past, after coming to the realization that peace cannot be purchased with the non-currency, “weakness,” the British took their saddle off of the back of a British donkey, and placed it on the back of a Lion. Churchill was that Lion, who roared that the British would fight Hitler’s forces on the beaches, fight these forces, of darkness, in the sand, and would never give up. When German planes roared over the skies of England, Churchill took to the airwaves, with McKay’s poem, “If We Must Die,” which hurled down the gauntlet, spitting its venom in Hitler’s face, and the face of anyone else who thought it was over, before it was over, the last words of the poem, explicitly stating Churchill’s resolve, “pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back.” That was a moment in history, but there has not been a moment in history where that challenge has not existed, and needed to be met, and there will never be a moment where that challenge doesn’t exist, and doesn’t need to be met, without equivocation, which is all we are seeing, today, by political idiots, both at home, and abroad. There will never be a time when there is no Ivan “The Terrible” in the world, no Genghis Khan, no Attila “The Hun,” no Adolph Hitler. And there will never be a time when there will not be a Winston Spencer Churchill on the scene, or a Neville Chamberlain. Both are always present, and they are always present, in the world, at the same time. For the latter, listen to David Cameron, and listen to the rest of the political leaders in Western Europe. They are the forerunners to WWIII.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 03:41:10 +0000

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