DAVID’S STATUS UPDATE: Despite the fact that David never - TopicsExpress


DAVID’S STATUS UPDATE: Despite the fact that David never received proper physical therapy, having been transferred to a nursing home 1½ months after his hospital stay, instead of a physical therapy facility – his strong will to survive is helping him get better. Two of his first sentences after the devastating stroke were: “I am getting better every day” along with “I am coming back!” He is a miracle and is indeed improving every day. David can now open his right hand -- which is major since he couldn’t move his right arm and his fingers were shut tight – so tight in fact that one of his nails dug into his palm. But almost 7 months after the stroke he can open his hand. The only impediment continues to be the “I’m going to put you back into the nursing home” threats by his mother. These are understandably terrifying to him. Since my return to New York David has reached out several times for me to come get him (again) – citing his fear of being placed back into a nursing home. The last call was yesterday and for me it’s heart wrenching – I simply can’t bear for him to be emotionally distressed. His speech, which has improved greatly, always suffers a setback when he’s stressed out. The words come slower, if at all. He was able to tell me that his mother threatens him “every day,” and that “he can’t take it anymore.” Imploring me to go get him and bring him back to my apartment in New York always gets a knee jerk reaction on my part: GO RESCUE HIM!! However, I just returned from Florida in an attempt to get him out of the situation and he changed his mind at the last minute. So, I sit here and think: “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different outcome.” And once that thought passes my mind and I convince myself not to get on the next plane – guilt consumes me. What makes this ordeal so much more debilitating and worrisome (on my part) is that his mother (my older sister) will then instruct David to get on the phone and tell me: “everything is ok. I am ok, I stay here…” and a host of other rehearsed lines which he says in a voice that stilted and not at all to what he sounds like when he is telling the truth. And this is just as devastating to me as his cries for help. So this is where we stand…again. I wonder if this happens in other stroke survivor situations and what other people do in these completely unforeseen and traumatic situations? I want David’s health to continue to improve. He is such a fighter. All the progress he’s made to date is due to his strength and determination – and YOUR prayers and continued support for him!! Am not sure about what’s around the corner – but as always, will keep you posted. Kirby Sommers (David’s aunt)
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 14:17:47 +0000

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