DAY 1. WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF ALL MAN’S SUCCESS HEREAFTER ECCLESIASTES 12:13-14 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. The quest for things and success is a major drive of man on earth, when you go out on the street daily you will see people running and moving, all to meet up with one appointment or the other. This is a drive of every one on earth. The big question is what is the importance of this success on earth? Of what value is it to you as a person? Looking at our text, it is clear that God will bring to judgment all our activities on earth either good or bad. We saw king Solomon who was one of the richest and wisest man in the Bible, his wealth and fame was so much that kings came to learn at his feet. When he was to conclude the matter he remarked so fondly that they all are vanities (Eccl. 12:8). Does that mean we should not desire to succeed? No, but we must remember that success in itself is nothing, it is success rooted in Christ that is worth it all.The Bible asked a question: what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul? (Mark 8:36). What that means practically to us is that success and great achievements without Christ is great vanity. Position and fame outside Christ is a mere shadow that will soon pass away. Think about it, after you have gotten all the wealth, what difference does it make but to die at the appointed time with nothing to go with? Beloved, as we seek to make huge successes and become a figure to be recognized on earth, we must remember that our great exploits on earth is not enough for us to have a pass mark on the Day of Judgment. Though many people have been deceived into thinking that their great achievements on earth can cover up for them on the day of reckoning, you can be different if you make good use of your time. Do not sell your conscience, because money cannot buy it back. Consider your ways daily; put your creator before you always, remembering that until he gives you a pass mark you are still a failure. If Solomon in all his glory considered all as vanity, it means we should be more careful not to pursue vanities with our life and efforts without considering the real thing in our life. May God give you the understanding to seek and desire him in all that you do. May the quest for money and material things not become your primary goal in life. May your eyes of understanding be opened to see the truth in God’s word in Jesus name. TODAY’S CONFESSION: Oh Lord, help me to seek you all my life. May I not be deceived by the riches that cannot endure in Jesus name. ONE YEAR STUDY PLAN: 2 Chronicles 1-2; 1 Thessalonians 4
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 11:11:40 +0000

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