DAY 14: DRAMA MINISTERS 40 DAYS PRAYER AND FASTING RELEASE THE LUNCH-PACK John 6:5-10 5Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” 6But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do. 7Philip answered Him, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may have a little.” 8One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to Him, 9“There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” 10Then Jesus said, “Make the people sit down.” Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. Do you have to have much before The Lord could touch the multitudes through you? Is it until you make multi-million Naira movies or release a mega gospel movie for the theatre before The Lord could affect people through you? If all of us in Drama Ministry desire that The Lord should use us during this Revival wind of evangelical drama and movie productions, then we should be ready to release our five loaves of bread and two fishes for the Master to bless and use for the masses. It was not a truck load of food that JESUS used to feed the more than 5000 people that followed Him in the desert. It was just the lunch pack of a young boy who was ready to release what he had in his hand. JESUS took it and bless it and distributed it to the people. Yesterday was the conclusion of the 3 days annual convention of the Vision Carriers - The Women Intercessors For Drama Ministries, Nigeria. A fifteen minutes three-casts drama was presented that arrested everybody in the hall. It was very captivating and beautifully acted. The drama was immediately followed by a hot prayer for homes and marriages. After the drama presentation, I called one of the drama ministers and said: this drama is very powerful, but how can you let it spread beyond this point? This drama will simply die unless you put it together for multitude to see either as a recorded drama you will place on YouTube or as a short movie you will send to some TV channels for free broadcast. When you learn to feed multitudes with your small 5 loaves and 2 fishes , there will always be extra baskets of leftover. Many years ago, The Lord spoke to me and gave me a principle in ministry. He said to me: The more your message spread, the more you are blessed. That principle has been guiding us in our ministry and it is applicable to all drama ministry. The blessing of a drama or film production ministry is in the spreading of the drama and the movie. The success of a movie is not in how many copies it sold, but in how many lives it is able to touch. A christian movie may not sell up to 1000 copies and be more successful than a movie that sold 10,000 copies. Why? If many copies of the 1000 copies of the movies had been used for crusades and revival programs because of it impactful evangelistic content; and had been sent to many television and cable channels to broadcast the movies to millions of their viewers and the spiritual impact of the movie had spread into the YouTube where hundreds of thousands of people beyond Africa had seen the movie and had been blessed. Then, the movie is a fantastic success more than the spiritually shallow movie which sold 10,000 copies as a result of high tech marketing strategies. Some christian movies could not be watched more than once, whole some christian movies could not be watched without wanting to watch it again and again. Therefore, do not wait until you are able to give much before you give The Lord what you have. You could place that your powerful short movie on the YouTube and other social networking sites and watch the viewers growing, and you will be satisfied The Lord is touching lives through it. You could place those short drama scripts on Facebook or on a blog and let interested drama groups and ministries download and act them in programs and churches, soon, you will begin to receive request for more scripts from other ministries and groups and soon, The Lord will begin to establish you as a well recognized christian scriptwriter, because the little you release to The Lord will definitely give you baskets of leftovers. All those scripts you have written and kept in your lockers, waiting endlessly for when you will be able to shoot them into movies, why cant you get them well scripted into beautiful dialogue scripts, and begin to publish them into drama books for others to read and be blessed. If you get into many christian bookstores, what you see mostly published books on Biblical topics and few christian fictions. But you can not find published drama books except once in awhile. You can start the move. The bottom line is this: the more your message spread in blessing people, the more blessed you are. Just as the little lunch pack of the boy was released to bless thousands of people and there was multiple left overs, so also would you be blessed when you release the little in your hand to bless the multitudes. Good morning.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 06:52:09 +0000

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