DAY 16. PRAYING FOR REVIVAL AT AGAPE CHURCH AND OUR COMMUNITY 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land. Our only responsibility is the IF part, humbling ourselves, praying, seeking His face, and turning from sin, and the THEN part is all His – hearing, forgiving, cleansing, and healing. WHAT IS REVIVAL? • Revival is defined in Revelation 2:4-5 – Return to our first love. • Revival is God getting me where I need to be so He can do what He wants to do. • Revival is God’s people getting right with Him • Revival is when God moves in power in His people, to bring them back to life from hard hearts, indifference, backsliding, and spiritual harlotry. • Revival praying involves brokenness and humility, and the confession of personal sins and the sins of the church and the country that have separated us from God. • Revival is Biblical. • Revival is birthed in prayer. WHAT IS SPIRITUAL AWAKENING? • When God so works in His people that we get contagious, and the world notices the Reviving One in action in love and in power in our lives, so that they want to rub lives with us to catch what we have • When God’s humbled, purified, Spirit-empowered church so lives the presence and priorities of God that the world takes notice • When God’s people get so on fire, that unbelieving family and lost people around us want to know the source of our fire • When revived believers repent of their sins in the holy presence of God, make right what is wrong in the power of God, give priority to the purposes of God in prayer, testify of a passion for God by living out His reviving Life. WHAT IS EVANGELISM? Evangelism is the overflow, the results, when the revived church goes into the community by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lost and unchurched people get saved in a mighty move of God. In the atmosphere of prayer and praise, God moves to redeem the lost so that entire geographic areas are swept into the kingdom. WHAT REVIVAL IS NOT... • goose bumps – not how high we jump, but how straight we walk • calling down fire on those who don’t hear. Jesus rebuked that (Luke 9:55) • just asking, but hearing from God. You are only as revived as you are a good listener. Give God time to speak. “Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.” Do spiritual calisthenics: listen, and pray, and listen, and obey. • inexpensive: yes it’s free, but it costs dearly! Religion does not cost anything, but revival costs you everything. We have nothing to lose but powerlessness to sin, flesh, pride and spiritual darkness that wants to rule our community! God wants to revive our church and He will do it one person at a time. He will call His individual people whom He knows by name to repentance, to a new beginning of holiness, to a new beginning of first love, to a new beginning of obedience. PRAYER FOR REVIVAL IS ONLY AS POWERFUL AS... 1. Our love for God and our desire for people to transformed by His love for them 2. Our hatred of sin and the destruction it brings into the lives of people 3. Our level of surrender to the power of the Holy Spirit 4. Our courage to say, Lord, search my heart. 5. Our desperation for the glory of God and our desperation to see our lives, our church and our community transformed according to Romans 12:2 Prayer Portions © 1991, 1992, 1995, Sylvia Gunter, The Father’s Business, P.O. Box 380333, Birmingham, AL 35238, thefathersbusiness, email: fathersbiz@cs. pages 333- 334.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 12:00:00 +0000

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