==== DAY 18 ==== ( 1 Peter 5:6-10 ) Lee, Haak-Sung: * Physically - TopicsExpress


==== DAY 18 ==== ( 1 Peter 5:6-10 ) Lee, Haak-Sung: * Physically Attacking the demons! In the evening sermon, the pastor told us, “When the demons appear, don’t be afraid, but fight boldly face to face! Those filthy demons are nothing, so don’t fear them. When you go deeper into the spiritual realm and pray boldly, you will find opposition [in the form of demons]. When you do, capture it and tear it into pieces; destroy it!” I thought to myself, “How can we do such a thing to the terrifying demons? He must be exaggerating.” But the pastor repeated it with a firm conviction, “We can do this. We have been attacked and have handled much abuse. It is now our turn to avenge and attack them.” Then, he visually taught us how to physically attack them. “Can we really capture the demons?” I thought. So far, we were able to use the name of Jesus as a weapon, but now we were told we could engage demons with physical hand to hand combat! Later on, while I was praying in tongues, two demons from before returned. One was a muscular demon and the other had multiple faces on it. It was holding a peacock feather and, as before, it used the soft end of the feather to tickle my nostrils. I remembered the sermon the pastor gave in the evening service.( James 4:7 ) I reached out my physical hand to simulate taking the feather from the demon. I thought, “Oh, how can this be? That feather is now in my hand!” It was miraculous. I started poking the demon continuously with the sharp pointy tip of the feather. The demon yelled, “Ouch!” I quickly attacked it all over, stabbing it mercilessly. It jumped up and down shouting, “Ouch! Save me!” A green fluid oozed out of the wounds. It must be its blood. When the other demon saw this, it was so shocked it ran away filled with fear. Pastor Kim kept praying, enduring his painful wounds the demons left on his body. Jesus approached him and continuously touched the wounds with His hands. Jesus came to me and said, “Haak-Sung, don’t let your arms fall down even though it’s hard. The prayer with hands lifted up high has much more power.” Kim, Joo-Eun: Today, there were very many odd looking demons and they continuously appeared before me. I screamed loudly, “You demons, in the name of Jesus, flee from me.” They vanished. I resumed praying. Suddenly, a really strong looking male demon walked toward me mumbling, “Hey, stop praying. You pray too much for a little kid.” I exclaimed, “Hey, you filthy devil! In the name of Jesus, flee from me!” The devil vanished. As I continued to pray, a demon in the form of a pretty lady came. This devil was so graceful and beautiful that I couldn’t imagine it was an evil demon. ( 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 ) Even the way she spoke was refined. She said, “Please don’t pray. Why are you praying?” I ignored her and she got mad. “Hey, why are you praying? When you pray, do you see something special?” she said and then she shouted, “Stop praying!” I yelled, “In the name of Jesus, flee from me,” and immediately she began to rip in half from the top of her head down to her crotch. I shrugged with disgust, saying, “Eew, so nasty!” As her body divided in half, it revealed a heinous demon inside. I still can’t get over the fact that its perfect outer appearance was so different from its inside. Later, I saw a demon that appeared to be a little innocent boy with a red bandana. He had an ability to play gross tricks with his eyes. I tried to cast it away in the name of Jesus, but this demon resisted and didn’t budge easily. I persistently prayed, clenching my teeth. Then, the demon vanished. * Baptized in Blazing Fire I realized how many different types of demons there are. I witnessed them bothering other members. They constantly came and went and were moving around busily in utter confusion. While I prayed, I wondered how Pastor Kim was doing. I looked over at him, but instead of seeing him I saw a ball of blazing fire in his place. Surprised, I opened my eyes to confirm what I saw and I saw Pastor sitting in his seat as usual praying. When I closed my eyes again, I saw a big ball of blazing fire. Demons were standing beside our pastor without being able to attack him, so they moved on to attack the congregation. Suddenly, a long haired female demon appeared and bit my left arm with her Dracula-like fangs. I tried to shove her away, but couldn’t. I couldn’t think straight, because the pain was so agonizing. And then, another demon attacked me. I called, “Lord, Lord, help me. Please help me!” I moved close to pastor’s wife and I continued to pray with my hands held up high. About 100 demons came to distract me from praying. I counterattacked by shouting, “You filthy demons, why do you live like this? Why are you bothering me?” One with sharp fangs rushed toward me shouting, “We want to send you to Hell.” I responded, “What? Hell? You are hilarious! Hey, you filthy demons, flee from me. In the name of Jesus, flee from me.” In that instant, every one of them fled. I realized if I wanted to visit Heaven, I would need to fight hard against evil demonic forces. * Pastors who discontinued their pastoral duties I continued to pray for a long time, when Jesus appeared calling me by my nickname, “Sesame! My dear Sesame, you are very good at casting out the evil spirits!” I replied, “Jesus, I just remembered something my father wanted to ask you about. There are pastors who have stopped being pastors and returned to worldly jobs. What happens to those pastors?” Jesus reluctantly responded, “You are so young to explain this to, but listen well and tell him exactly what I am telling you.” He continued, “The pastors who give up being a pastor because of its hardships will be judged harshly by my Heavenly Father. The Heavenly Father will rebuke them, ‘Why did you stop being a pastor? I gave you the abilities to do your pastoral duties, but why did you make the decision to stop without my permission? You’ve made a big mistake. You must repent!’ Then, with the remainder of his earthly life, he must follow obediently in his walk with me. There are also people who fail to keep the Lord’s Day holy and do whatever they want. They, who are not born again, open their businesses. There should be no business transactions on Sunday whatsoever. Many proclaim their salvation with their mouths, but they are so wrong. If they are truly saved, their lives should show it! Our Father in Heaven has a keen eye on all of you. To the Father every soul is very precious and when souls go to Hell by their own choosing, it hurts Him very deeply. He sheds many tears!”
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 14:37:51 +0000

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